I saw this online and had to share it here. Some people just don't get social distancing and in my experience locally its the older citizens and people who just don't care that stand all around you, cough and speak so close to you as though you're lovers. Stay away peopleā¦ stay home.
Coronavirus - Why Restrictions Are Needed (Hover)
So true. When some people are restricted the first thing they do is think about themselves and not the needs of society as a whole. Their small minded approach only ends up extending the restrictions and makes it harder on all of us to point of death in some cases!
Someone brought to my attention the true history behind the picture according to one site: Source 9l and yet at the same time managed to miss completely the whole point of the poster like many do with this pandemic that is affecting us all. Its the message it conveys - don't be an a** stay spread apart.
At least the message is there, if not the correct spelling of Coronavirus. I'm still worried about going back to work in a week and a half. I don't feel comfortable going back to work at the moment.
No matter the history behind the photo that is all totally relevant. I hate going outside and seeing people being so irresponsible by not wearing their mask or being hygienic. This is the new norm people we need to get used to it.