![Oinodaemon's "Into The Darkness" Rules & Setting Oinodaemon's "Into The Darkness" Rules & Setting](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
This thread is here to introduce players to Oinodaemon's campaign. Do not use this thread for questions or Character Approval, I will post a seperate thread shortly.
Oinodaemons Dungeons & Dragons world- Rules
This short campaign will take place on a small island off the southern shore of a much larger continent. If all goes well, ie: this thread is popular enough, I plan on extending the campaign onto the main land mass.
This campaign will involve the Temple of Sha'Nubruth, and the
Pc's adventures therein.Emphasis will be on Role-Playing and Combat, with moderate Puzzle Solving and Traps.
Again, if all goes well, the party will eventually move beyond the temple and onto the main continent.
Before going any further, I must note some major rule differences between my system and the traditional Dungeons & Dragons rulesets.
1.All saving throws/checks etc are made vs. Stat involved, modified by situation/feats
Example= Warrior with 14 [Dexterity] rolls reflex save vs fire trap;
15-20=full damage, 8-14= Half Damage, 1-7= No Damage
2.To Hit is determined by taking all points above 10 in primary
Stat + Dexterity over 10, then dividing by four for levels 1-4, divide by 3
For levels 5-11, divide by 2 for levels 12+
Example=Level 1 Fighter with 14 [Dexterity] and 17 [Strength] has To Hit of +2
(4+7=11 divided by 4, rounded down.)
*Rogues use [Dexterity] + Int, Mages use Int ONLY, Bows use [Dexterity] + Int
3.Armor does NOT add to Armor Class, it provides damage mitigation. Heavy penalties to To Hit and AC for using Armor without proper Feats.
Example: Fighter wearing Scale Mail (Dfs 4) is hit for 8 damage.
Actual damage sustained is 4.
*List of Armor benefits/penalties will be included farther down.
4.Spells+Feats have different values, and a slightly different format.
*I will post my custom spell list and custom feat list on the character approval thread.
5. # of attacks per round is based on weapon weight category,
maximum attacks when moving is 1.
Light Weapons-Dagger/Fist/etc. 2 attacks per round
Medium Weapons- Longsword, Battle Axe, Spear 1+1/2 attacks per round
(every other round get 2 attacks)
Heavy Weapons- Greatsword, War Axe, Halberd 1 attack per round
*Strength of 19 or better treats Heavy Weapons as Medium Weapons.
These are the major changes. Of course, these few major changes lead to many minor changes. Players will need to stay on their toes, and expect differences from what they're used to.
What is expected of the player-
I will only be accepting active players into my campaign. In an effort to move along the story, I will temporarily NPC a character if the player is away for too long. I will always do my best to keep your character 'in character' if I am forced to NPC someone.
Back actions are acceptable if the player doesn't like something
I've done, unless it is a crucial plot point or something similar.
If you expect to not post for longer than a day please let the party know, if possible. If a player is gone longer than a week without explanation, their character becomes fair game, and may be dead when/if the player returns.
Troublesome players will be warned. If behavior persists, they will be removed from the game. Above all, stay in character. An evil character may very well join the party in an effort to sabotage it. This would not be considered troublesome behavior. Troublesome behavior includes :
Using knowledge your character doesn't have, attacking another PC (unless of opposing alignment), or falsifying rolls.
On Rolling- I will perform most rolls behind the scenes. Attack rolls may be performed by the player, I will roll almost everything else.
The Setting-
It has been 1,000 years since the Second Demon War, when man rose against the Darkness and drove the Demon Prince Veromin and his kin back to the Hells they call home. The date of his defeat marks the beginning of the current calendar (4E=4th Era). Despite the Demons being driven back, the Continent of Al'Vard has hardly been peaceful at all in the last 1,000 years. Minor wars pock the histoy of Al'Vard, as well as numerous uprisings and sudden changes of government. The first and only major war in the last thousand years occured in the year 700 4E, when Emperor Kalistad the 2nd started his campaign to exterminate all Elves from the world.
After a war spanning exactly 100 years, the Elves were defeated and driven from their forests in an event known as 'The Exodus'.
The Elves fled from Al'Vard, scattering to the Seas and uncharted lands.
In 885 4E the Elves began to return, here and there. They quickly discovered their ancient homeland, the forests, had become infested and would no longer support them. The new Emperor, Emperor Chestim the 1st, welcomed them with open arms, but the Elves could no longer accept a Human leader, and became traveling nomads, wandering Al'Vard in large caravans.
They still wander to this day, though their population has grown to almost match their numbers before the war.
Major Cities/Places of Interest-
Kabandon- The cultural heart of Al'Vard, and home to the Emperor.
The city itself boasts over 200,000 people, mostly humans, but a smattering of other races call it home as well.
The Great Ravine- This massive gulley covers almost 400 miles of land, running South and eventually culminating into Lake Untei.
Baradur- The Dwaven Capital, it boasts the worlds largest number of inventors, and as such many a technological wonder can be seen on any street in the city.
Lake Town-A large fishing port stationed on the Northern edge of Lake Mere. Lake Town is known for its massive open air fish markets.
Swamp of Garamesh- Also known as the Swamp of Madness. Only one man has ever returned from the swamp. His accounts of what he saw there must be disregarded, however, as he was quite mad upon his return. Rumor has it he took his own life within a week...
Raltei- Inspired by Feudal Japan, it is known for its frequent Giant Monster attacks. As such, the warriors of Raltei are known to be some of the best in the land.
Carivelli-The Gnomish Capitol. Its primary feature is a Wall built out of pure Mithril. Legend has it the Gnomish Deity Firlwis built the wall himself over 100,000 years ago.
Elitor-The Halfling Capital, it boasts no significant features, unless food and wine are on your priority list.
Mt. Tjarfell- An absolutely massive mountain. Giants and Goblinoids live here in quantity.
The Elven Forests - Were abandoned for years while the Elves wandered the oceans. They have since become infested by some sort of Evil, an Evil that makes the animals into monsters, and even the trees themselves have been known to occasionally attack people who get too close.
There is supposedly another continent to the North, as well as a continent to the West. Several Emperors have led campaigns into these foreign lands, and they have all met with disaster.
Here's the list of Armor with benefits/penalties, this will also appear on my character approval page.
Leather Armor +1 dfs, no pen
Studded Leather +2 Dfs, -1 To Hit
Ring Mail +3 Dfs, -2 To Hit, -1 AC
Scale Mail +4 Dfs, -3 To Hit, -2 AC
Chain Mail +5 Dfs, -5 To Hit, -4 AC
Banded Mail +6 Dfs, -7 To Hit, -6 AC
Half-Plate +7 Dfs, -8 To Hit, -8 AC
Plate Mail +9 Dfs, -10 To Hit, -10 AC
There are feats that will negate the penalties.
Deities of Al'Vard
Allstar- The King of all Good Deities
Domains=The Cosmos, Law, Chaos, Life
Appearance= Traditionally depicted as a tall man with red hair.
Weapon of Choice= Longsword
Alignment=Neutral Good
Miu'Kuldas - Miu'Kuldas is the physical embodiment of pure evil.
Legend says he was defeated by Allstar nearly 12,000 years ago, but his followers firmly believe he still lives and is merely slumbering deep within the planet.
Domains=Hatred, Contempt, Mindless Destruction
Appearance= Miu'Kuldus has no form, and is normally depicted as a pool of darker black on a black background.
Weapon of Choice=None
Alignment=Chaotic Evil
Alivei - Goddess of Time, Allstars Mother
Domains= Fertility, Aging, and Time
Appearance= Alivei appears as either a beautiful young woman or an ancient crone, and will often flit back and forth seemingly withought realizing.
Weapon of Choice=None
Alignment=Lawful Good
Firlwis - God of Gnomes, Blacksmith of the Gods
Domains= Precious Gems, Metalworking
Appearance= A very large, ugly gnome. His arms are scarred from working the metals of the Gods
Weapon of Choice= Blacksmiths Hammer
Alignment=Chaotic Good
Latoriem- Goddess of Love, Allstars Lover
Domains=Love, Marriage, Passion
Appearance=Latoriem never appears on the prime material plane, rather using her servants, which take the form of Giant Sunflowers.
Weapon of Choice=Unknown
Alignment=Lawful Good
Dieam'Ven- Goddess of Murder
Domains= Nightmares, Murder, Reptiles
Appearance= Dieam'Ven's physical form is a horrible mixture of reptile and human. She stands well over 50 ft tall.
Weapon of Choice=Unknown
Alignment=Neutral Evil
Erik Tumblefoot- God of Halflings, Cook of the Gods
Domains=Good Food, Good Drink, and Parties!
Appearance= Appears as a normal Halfling, sometimes fat, sometimes slender, but always jolly
Weapon of Choice=None
Alignment=True Neutral
Elerith-Goddess of Cruelty
Domains=Fear,Cowardice, Cruelty, Torture
Appearance=Elerith looks like a beautiful blonde woman
Weapon of Choice=Magic
Alignment=Lawful Evil
Gildeon Moonshadow-God of Elves
Domains=The Forests, The Moon
Appearance=Gildeon typically appears as a massive beast, the
Elves believe him to be dead
Weapon of Choice=Magic
Alignment=Lawful Neutral
Kalj'dain Blooded Axe- God of Dwarves
Domains=The Deep Earth, Music, Sudden Insight
Appearance= Kalj'dain takes the form of a Dwarf made entirely from stone
Weapon of Choice=War Axe
Alignment=Lawful Neutral
My complete Feat list. I had to remake it from the ground up due to a couple of accidental button presses, so hopefully I didn't forget anything important. Numbers in ( ) are minimum level requirement.
Passive-(Level1) Sneaky Sniper-better chance of remaining undetected when sniping with a bow/xbow
Passive-(Level1)Acrobatic- +2 to Saving Throws, +1 AC
Passive-(Level1) Beastmastery- +2 to Animal Empathy
Passive-(Level1)Diplomat- +2 to [Charisma] checks
Passive-(Level1)Temperature Adaption- Take -1 damage per die from any heat/cold attacks
Passive-(Level1)Animal Affinity- Animals tend to like you
Active-(Level3) Identify Magical Item *Rogues Only
Active-(Level1) Slash Artery Level 1- 2 bleed damage for d4 rounds
Active-(Level5) Slash Artery Level 2- d6 bleed damage for d4 rounds
Active-(Level 9) Slash Artery Level 3- d8 bleed damage for d4 rounds * works on large enemies-deals d4 for d4 on larger than bugbears
Active-(Level1) Hamstring-deals normal damage, slows 50%
Passive-(Level1) Survivor- +2 to climb, swim, jump, etc
Passive-(Level1) Imposing- +2 to intimidate, chance to frighten enemies
Active-(Level 2) Powerful Roar-Attempts to "Pull" enemies aka-attracts enemies to character *Melee classes only
Active-(Level1) Rally!- +1 damage, +1 to hit for party
Active-(Level5) Craft Magical Weapon/Armor Level 1 *Magic User Only
Active-(Level8) Craft Magical Weapon/Armor Level 2 *Magic User Only
Active-(Level12) Craft Magical Weapon/Armor Level 3 *Magic User Only
Passive-(Level1 )Missile Protection- +1 AC against arrows, bolts, darts, etc
Passive-(Level1) Blind Fight- Can fight normally, even in pitch blackness
Passive-(Level1) Lightning Reflexes- Drawing a weapon no longer takes up an action, switching weapons uses half
Passive-(Level1) Boars Ferocity-Character does not go unconcsious, will continue until death
Active-(Level3) Brew Potion *Rogues/Magic Users only
Passive-(Level1) Bullheaded- +2 Spell Resistance
Passive-(Level1) Teamwork-allies with this feat attacking the same enemy gain +1 damage, +1 to hit per team mate attacking same enemy
Passive-(Level1) Corpse Crafter Level 1-undead summoned have +1 Hd *Mages/Evil Clerics only
Passive-(Level 4) Corpse Crafter Level 2-summons 4 extra undead, have +2 Hd *Mages/Evil Clerics only
Passive-(Level8) Corpse Crafter Level 3-undead summoned or raised have +3 Hd *Mages/Evil Clerics only
Passive-(Level1) Detect Lie- +2 chance to Detect Lie
Active-(Level1) Cover Tracks
Passive-(Level1) Toughness- +3 HP per Level
Passive-(Level1) Spell Resistance Level 1
Passive-(Level4) Spell Resistance Level 2
Passive-(Level7) Spell Resistance Level 3- +4 to spell resistance
Passive-(Level1) Dodge Level 1- +1 AC
Passive-(Level5) Dodge Level 2- +2 AC
Passive-(Level11) Dodge Level 3- +3 AC *Swordmasters, Ninjas, Monks only
Passive-(Level1) Dual Weapon Fighting Level 1- No Penalty for dual wield
Passive-(Level4) Dual Weapon Fighting Level 2- +1 Damage, +1 to hit when dual wielding
Passive-(Level7) Dual Weapon Fighting Level 3- +2 Damage, +1 AC when dual wielding
Passive-(Level11) Dual Weapon Fighting Level 4- +3 Damage, +2 AC, +2 to hit, +1 attack per round *Ninjas, Rangers only
Active-(Level1) Dash-Double speed for one round usable every two rounds
Passive-(Level1) Linguist- +2 to understand language
Active-(Level8) Decapitate-any enemy two levels or less than the character can be insta killed on a to hit roll of 16 or better
Passive-(Level1) Deft Hands- +2 to pickpocket, pick locks, disarm trap, etc
Active-(Level8) Crippling Blow-Cripples a limb, causing a variety of side effects depending on limb *Fighters Only
Passive-(Level1) Eagle Eye- VERY difficult to surprise
Passive-(Level1) Tracker- +2 to Track checks
Passive-(Level1) Dragon Hunter- +2 Damage, +2 to hit vs. Dragons
Passive-(Level1) Racist- Choose a race, gain +1 damage, +1 AC, +1 to hit vs that race
Passive-(Level1) Enlarge Spell- Increases Area of spell effect
Passive-(Level1)Combat Reflexes Level 1- +1 to saving throws
Passive-(Level3)Combat Reflexes Level 2- +2 to saving throws
Passive-(Level6) Combat Reflexes Level 3- +4 to saving throws
Passive-(Level1) Great Fortitude Level 1- +1 to [Constitution] saves
Passive-(Level3) Great Fortitude Level 2- +2 to [Constitution] saves
Passive-(Level6) Great Fortitude Level 3- +4 to [Constitution] saves
Passive-(Level1) Weapon Proficiency Level 1- Choose a Weapon type, +1 damage with weapon type
Passive-(Level1)Weapon Proficiency Level 2- +2 Damage
Passive-(Level2) Weapon Proficiency Level 3- +3 Damage
Passive-(Level11)Weapon Proficiency Level 4- +4 Damage *Swordmasters, Ninjas only
Passive-(Level11)Weapon Proficiency Level 5- +5 Damage *Swordmasters only
Passive-(Level1) Single Weapon Fighting Level 1- +1 Damage when using a single weapon *will not work if shield larger than a medium shield is used
Passive-(Level4) Single Weapon Fighting Level 2- +2 Damage, +1 to hit *will not work if shield larger than a buckler is used
Passive-(Level7) Single Weapon Fighting Level 3- +3 Damage, +1 AC *will not work if shield larger than a buckler is used
Passive-(Level11) Single Weapon Fighting Level 4- +4 Damage, +2 AC, +2 to hit, +1 attack per round *Swordmasters only, will not work if any shield is used
Passive-(Level1) Heavy Weapon Fighting Level 1- +1 Damage when using a heavy weapon
Passive-(Level4) Heavy Weapon Fighting Level 2- +2 Damage, +1 to hit
Passive-(Level7) Heavy Weapon Fighting Level 3- +3 Damage, +1 AC
Passive-(Level11) Heavy Weapon Fighting Level 4- +4 Damage, +2 AC, +2 to hit, +1 attack per round *Barbarians Only
Passive-(Level1) Pole Weapon Fighting Lv l1- +1 Damage when using a Pole weapon
Passive-(Level4) Pole Weapon Fighting Level 2-+2 Damage, +1 to hit
Passive-(Level7) Pole Weapon Fighting Level 3- +3 Damage, +1 AC
Passive-(Level11) Pole Weapon Fighting Level 4- +4 Damage, +2 AC, +2 to hit, +1 attack per round *Melee classes only
Passive-(Level1) [Critical Hit] Strike Level 1- increases [Critical Hit] range by 1
Passive-(Level5) [Critical Hit] Strike Level 2
Active-(Level1) Aimed Strike Level 1- +1 to hit, -1 AC
Active-(Level3) Aimed Strike Level 2- +2 to hit, -2 AC
Active-(Level6) Aimed Strike Level 3- +3 to hit, -3 AC
Active-(Level1) Power Strike Level 1- +1 Damage, -1 to hit
Active-(Level3) Power Strike Level 2- +2 Damage, -2 to hit
Active-(Level5)Power Strike Level 3- +4 Damage, -3 to hit
Active-(Level2) Poison Strike Level 1- d4 for d4 rounds *Rogue-types/ Ranger only
Active-(Level6)Poison Strike Level 2- d6 for d6 rounds *Rogue-types/ Ranger only
Active-(Level10) Poison Strike level 3- d8 for d8 rounds *Rogue-types/ Ranger only
Passive-(Level1) Stuntman- Take 1/2 damage from falling
Passive-(Level1) Pain Tolerant- Broken Limbs incur half the penalty they normally would
Passive-(Level1) Strength Training- +2 to strength
Passive-(Level1) Sleight of Hand- +2 to Perform, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, and Disarm Traps
Passive-(Level1) Magic Specialty- Pick a School of Magic; effectiveness increases by 1 degree
Passive-(Level1) Metamagic- +2 magic damage, +3% spell effectiveness
Passive-(Level3) Metamagic Level 2- +4 magic damage, +6% spell effectiveness
Passive-(Level6) Metamagic Level 3- +6 magic damage, +9% spell effectiveness
Passive-(Level5) Golem Mastery Level 1- adds 1 Hd to your Golems, Allows Earth, Stone, and Steel Golems to be created *Magic Users/Druids only
Passive-(Level 10) Golem Mastery Level 2- adds 2 Hd to golems, Allows Mithril or Adamantine Golems to be created *Magic Users/Druids only
Passive-(Level1) Hunter- +2 to Find Animals
Passive-(Level1) Armor Proficiency Level 1- No Penalty for Leather through Scale Mail
Passive-(Level4) Armor Proficiency Level 2- No Penalty for Chain Mail and Banded Mail
Passive-(Level8)Armor Proficiency Level 3- No Penalty for Half-Plate
Passive-(Level11) Armor Proficiency Level 4- No Penalty for Plate Mail *Fighters only
Passive-(Level1) Shield Proficiency Level 1- No Penalty for Shields
Passive-(Level4) Shield Proficiency Level 2- No Penalty for Tower Shields
Passive-(Level3) Kick Dirt- Blinds enemy
Active-(Level1)Backstab- Double damage *Rogue-types only
Active-(Level7) Chink in the Armor- Attack ignores armor *Rogue-types only
Active-(Level11) Multi-Arrow- Fire 2 arrows per shot *Rangers only
Passive-(Level1) Close Range Bow Fighting- Self explanatory
Passive-(Level1) Bow Focus Level 1- +1 Damage, +1 to hit
Passive-(Level4) Bow Focus Level 2- +2 Damage, +2 to hit
Passive-(Level9)Bow Focus Level 3- +4 Damage, +3 to hit, +1 attack per round *Rangers only
Active-(Level5)Flurry of Knives- Throws 7 knives in a cone
Passive-(Level1) Stealthy- +2 to hide and sneak checks
Passive-(lvl1) Shadow Walker Level 1- +2 to hide and sneak checks
Passive-(Level4)Shadow Walker Level 2- +4 to hide and sneak checks
Passive-(Level8) Shadow Walker Level 3- +6 to hide and sneak checks
Passive-(Level1) Trap Master- +2 to locate and disarm traps
Passive-(Level1) Mobile- +2 to Reflex save, +5 ft move speed
Active-(Level12) Stunning Blow- if opponent is struck, they roll a constitution check, if fail, they are stunned for 1 round *Fighters, Monks only
Active-(Level12) Paralyzing Blow-if opponent is struck, they roll a constitution check, if fail, they are stunned for 1-4 rounds *Monks only
Passive-(Level1) Unarmed Professional Level 1- +2 Damage with fists
Passive-(Level4) Unarmed Professional Level 2- +4 Damage, +1 AC
Passive-(Level7) Unarmed Professional Level 3- +6 Damage, +1 to hit
Passive-(Level11) Unarmed Professional Level 4- +9 Damage, +2 to hit, +2 AC, +1 attack per round *Monks only
Passive-(Level1) Prolong Spell-Doubles Duration of spells
Passive-(Level1) Speedy Memorization- +1 max spells per level Edited: Oinodaemon on 27th Feb, 2013 - 6:18am
This is my world map for "Into The Darkness". The island the PC's are and will remain on for some time is located Southeast of the main land mass, my apologies for forgetting to add it in. I will do a map of the island itself when the players find one.
Oinodaemon's "Into The Darkness" Rules & Setting (Hover)