Infanview is a freeware download located here. I find this a very useful program to install all nearly all new computers upon install. As the program description will suggest this simple image viewer can handle a number of different file types. Most of these file types can be viewed with the standard windows viewer but as I recall from past experiences there are file types that windows does not recognize that this program will open. I find this program as a viewer is very proportional on the load that it creates. I would be very interested to see what others feel about this program.
Edited: bwren on 16th May, 2006 - 1:23am
It's not just a great little viewer, but you can edit, crop, recolor, and do all sorts of fancy things with your pics using this software. And it's Free! I like the slideshow feature when I have a lot of pics on a CD that I need to find one or two to email or upload, then I can find out the name/number of the photo easily. It's a great program.