Mariah is shocked at all the noise going on around her and now suddenly she is being taken into the bus for safety by Xander...she says..
Oh my gosh, you...hmmm...just saved my LIFE! I will be eternally grateful for this...thank you so much, she says with eyes of amazement...
Her "teenybopper" attitude though does not help much...she sighs and says...
It is SO romantic!...I am almost being eatten by a lion and a strong man comes to save me! she says and sighs...
She looks around to see if she sees Trixie and Roz and they are already in the bus and she thinks deeply how self-confident they are and she wishes she could be a little more like them...she then realises that she has not seen the other two people and her "mean" side thinks...
Maybe with their fascination with music, they may have thought they could sing a couple of lullabies to the lion to calm him down.. and she chuckles...
She then thinks Wow, I am really MEAN! and she shakes her head, get serious and thinks I really hope they are safe.
Edited: LDS_forever on 27th Feb, 2005 - 5:44pm
Greg jumped up as he heard the lioness's roars, and started running towards the bus. He would have liked to keep a calm demeanor as he had when the bus driver had died, but now it was just so sudden, and he had nothing as a means of relaxation. "Lionesses were always the hunters," he reminded himself. "The lions were the sleepy ones."
Half the way towards the bus he noticed that Lauren was still behind. "Come on Lauren! Quick!" he says, thinking how ironic it was that Lauren was the one who warned them yesterday of staying outside.
Xander sees Greg jump into the bus, and looking around realizes that Lauren is still out there, by herself! He turns to Mariah and says "Lauren's still outside. I'm gonna go get her!"
Without waiting for a response, he jumps back out of the bus, runs towards Lauren, who seems shell-shocked from what is going on around her, and grabs her by the arm. With one swift motion, he turns around back towards the bus, and with Lauren half off the ground, sweeps her into the bus. He remembers hearing a roar of some sorts, but was too caught up in the moment to pay any attention to it.
As if it were great luck upon your side you see some lights in the distance, then movement - vehicles! It is a party of troopers looking for you! You are all happy to have this event over with and enjoy a quick recovery back at your humble abode which seems like a five star hotel. Two days after you attend the bus driver's funeral, do some shopping in the local town and then board a plane ride back home... that plane ride... is a definite other story....
The End
GM: Please use the vote procedure as indicated.
Now that all votes are in...
Most True to Life Character: - Funbikerchick! 2 luck points
LDS_forever: 0
FarSeer: 2
Smudge: 0
Dawnofthenew: 1
Malexander: 0
Funbikerchick: 3
Most Funny Character: - LDS_forever 1 luck point
LDS_forever: 4
FarSeer: 0
Smudge: 0
Dawnofthenew: 0
Malexander: 2
Funbikerchick: 0
Most Involved: - Smudge 1 luck point
LDS_forever: 0
FarSeer: 1
Smudge: 2
Dawnofthenew: 1
Malexander: 1
Funbikerchick: 1