One of the things I disagree with some Christian denominations is on this topic. "just believe and you are saved" sound like a very "attractive" way of life because basically no matter what you do, once you accepted Christ in your life, that's it. You're automatically saved. If so, why is the path "narrow" and not "broader"? I do not wish to sound harsh/rude so I apologize in advance if I sound bad but I think that's the main reason these Christian denominations have so many adherents, because this particular preaching is attractive to the ears. Who would not want to hear that the only thing you have to do is believe and that's it?
I fully agree that our works cannot pay or earn a place in Heaven, nevertheless works are extremely important in order to show our commitment to Christ. Or does anyone would dare to say that for Christ is the same a person that has lived a righteous life and tried his/her best, attempting to follow Christ's example on the best of his/her ability, serving others, etc compared to someone who has not lived as righteously but did say he/she accepted Christ and did nothing else expect that?
If Christ wanted us just to "believe" then he would not have commanded us so many things in the Bible. Grace and Works in my opinion are highly connected to each other.