I believe that remaining isolated from the beliefs of others is a choice some people make, but also that I am not particularly interested in such people. I do not see people who choose this option as any less intelligent, enlightened, spiritual or worthy than myself. It might seem like I have a low opinion of these people since, in respecting their choice, I do not attempt to engage them in discussion regarding religious topics.
In God's eyes all are Children of God.
I believe that if we do certain things we may have more happiness then others.
All actions have consequences regardless of our religous upbringing
Edited: dbackers on 12th Jul, 2007 - 9:54pm
Name: Helpler
Comments: Gossip, Religious are more worthy? Not so, But Hmmm, Yes, You could be perceived that way and much more. And thats one of the reasons the sayings goes, "Don't talk about Religion and Politics" But I say we should talk about these Very Two Subjects, Because its so important to our Lives. Yes, I know, it does cause a lot of Dissension because these very two subjects has a very big effect on our Souls and Lives. When I'm with the Public I try not to talk about Religion to much because I understand some people are open to it and some are not. Also though, I'd like you to know that there is something you might want to know to be a little more understanding if you please of a plight that Christians have. And that is, We are Commanded to Go Preach the Gospel (Which means the Good News) to those that have an Ear to Hear, And not try to convert the person but to just Tell the "Good News" to whomever wants to hear. But some people just don't have the common sense to know When or How to talk about the "Good News". And the Plight? The Bible says in John: 3 vs. 16 That Heavens Doors are open only to the Believers in Jesus Christ, Heaven Doors are not open to those who are trying to Work their way to Heaven by Good Deeds, Donations etc. See Ephesians :2 vs. 8&9 So the Plight is, That the World thinks they can Work their way to Heaven when in fact they cannot. As the Bible Says, You must be SAVED TO HEAVEN..and SALVATION IS "FREE" TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE....( As the Christmas Songs says Christ the Savior is Born) "THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS" But to know when to Tell this Good News is the problem, because we don't know who is willing to "LISTEN"...So I hope this clears things up a bit...Helper
Source1: My own thoughts
Source2: Bible John:3 vs. 16 Ephesians :2 vs. 8&9