I myself am undecided, but I think I am leaning more towards letting women fill pastorial roles when there is not a suitable man to fill it himself. I base this belief on the story of Deborah in the book of Judges. She was a prophetess, but later led the Israelite army to victory over a pagan army because the general (a male, by the way) was afraid to go alone.
These are my opinions, based on my experiences and beliefs, and my study of the scriptures.
I do not believe that women should function where a priesthood holder or elder should. It's not how the hierarchy of the church is set up.
First, I believe that women in the church can and should hold leadership roles when those roles are specifically for women. For instance, in my church there is a women's organization (or ministry), a young women's organization, children's etc., that are headed mainly by women, and I think that's completely appropriate. However, these women are authorized in their capacities by the men of the priesthood in leadership over the church as a whole.
Second, I believe that women do a great deal of good in the church in these roles, and support and complement the male leadership. The men can't do everything, and in the case of women's issues it's best for women to contend with amongst themselves, bringing other problems to the attention of the priesthood leadership when appropriate.
But women should not lead the entire church.
In my opinion, of course.
Name: Lisa
Comments: The only reason why there aren't more women in religious positions of leadership is because of the primitive traditions that most men within religion hold on to. Just as Jesus came and fulfilled the old ways of doing things (Old Testament) so too in these modern times women have a greater role. It is time for us to move forward and take the mantle of leadership in every aspect of life including religion.