Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant currently rests in Axiom, Ethiopia as many in that region claim? Ethiopian Priests claim that through a relationship with King Solomon and the Ethiopian Queen Sheba there were a lot of Jewish relics and religious objects brought there for safe keeping. Do you believe that the Ark has mysterious powers?
I watched a documentary about this. Part of the belief of its' location resides in certain indications that Solomon trusted the Ark to the Ethiopians, we must first consider if this could be true. The other aspect is that a certain place has a building in which the Ark does reside according to local priests, but only one man, 'the keeper' can see it - that alone is a nit superstitious to me. I do believe the Ark to be a sacred vessel and thus would have divine power not in itself, but through God as described in the Bible.
To be honest, I doubt the Ark still exists. I am not of the belief that any object in and of itself is sacred. It was an object that carried with it the presence of God. The actual Ark itself is still just wood and gold and such and subject to the elements. Without proper preservation, it to wood rot away. If God some how preserved it, then showing the world would be a great soul winner. What would be the benefit of hiding an Ark of the Covenant in perfect shape and not letting anyone see it? So no, I don't believe it still exists, in Ethiopia or any place else.
I once researched the gold and silver in the ark. What I found might shed some light on the subject.
The result of this research was finding the cost, at 1993 gold and silver prices, of The Dwelling of the Meeting Tent and the Ark of the Commandments. They cost Israel $15,227,066.75 in silver and gold at modern prices, and the combined weight was 12.92 tons or 25,831.14 pounds.
It would be hard for me to believe that this much gold and silver is still all in one place.
Name: Kamalei
Comments: When bible writers use 'abomination of desolation' they use it in the context of idolatry (Daniel 11:31,12:11). The temple in Jerusalem will be recomissioned and the Ark will be brought to the Jerusalem temple before June/2014 or even possibly sooner, and it will be given as a gift by Ethiopia (Isaiah 18). But, now it will be an idol very similar to Nehushtan (2 Kings 18:4)or the 'desired body of Moses' (Jude 9). Once in place the 'Lawless One' will use it to try to destroy the Jews and all of Jerusalem before the return of Jesus(Matt 23:39-24:2).
Name: Graybaron
Comments: It is probably the duplicate made as per instructions. Others informed me the original was discovered under the temple mount. Interest resumed with : Raiders Of The Lost Ark. It exists. We shall see it again soon.