What Would You Tell the Next Generation of Church Leaders?
Christian News
If at the end of your life you could say one thing to the next generation of church leaders, what might it be?
Source: The Christian Post RSS Feed | Ministries
I would implore them to keep an open mind, and not be resistant to change. It seems to me when one takes a look back at the doctrine od church Dogma and what are considered to be abhorred sins, change with the generations, so don't be so quick to ridicule those that we consider today to be sinners, because tomorrow they will be just another member of the church.
Name: Mission
Comments: You think that what is a sin changes just because it's a new generation? Where does it say that in the Bible?
Not sin Joe, But what the church views as sin. The Spanish Inquisition, which was backed by the Pope, and thus backed by the entire Catholic Church, scientists, Jews, and protestants were killed. Now obviously this isn't the case. Certain sects thought it to be sinful to take man's medicine, it was considered "not trusting God" but now its lunacy to refuse a God given doctor's advice.
Name: Mission
Comments: I see what you're saying I thought you were going to mention something like we should have gay marriage and stuff because some Christians think we should but the Bible clearly says what god thinks about that.