Website Marketing Helpful Tips
Why is linking to someone's site good for me? If you want your web site to be known then it is good to be part of groups willing to share your link for free. The more you are known the more people will visit your site. If people see you have a high vote percentage then they are more likely to visit your site.
Another great reason for linking with other sites is Search Engine rankings. The more your link is found on other sites the higher your rating in most Search Engines. Now, something not addressed here is web design. It is important to have a clean, clear web site that everyone can both read easily and understand.
Are link exchanges free? Yes, most of them are, some require an advance payment before they include your web site. The only way they can be paid for is if it is targeted advertising where you pay for a number of displays of your ad called, 'impressions'. It is not necessary to pay anyone for advertising if you are not intending to make actual money with your web site.