Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses
Mormon Related
Name: Yaddie
Comments: Are Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses sharing similar or the same beliefs because they both have a fanatical missionary force and when you tell them that you're not interested they come back anyway!
A friend of mine was telling me that the other day. Missionaries dropped by and she said she wasn't interested yet they keep coming back and she's starting getting quite annoyed. It makes me sad when I hear things like this because I believe we should respect the wishes of others.
Same beliefs? No!
One of the challenges we (Jehovah's Witnesses) face is often times we get a positive response from one individual in a household but on other visits another individual will presume to speak for the whole household.
Jehovah's Witnesses the world over take seriously the apostle Paul's thought-provoking question:
JW = Jehovah Witness(es)
Topic moved to General Religious Board to maintain relevant content.