Quote from Foxnews.com
MINOT, N.D. - Thirty-six children were injured in a sledding accident during an all-night New Year's Eve party hosted by a religious organization.
Three of the children were hospitalized, but all were in stable condition Saturday, hospital officials said. The others were treated and released.
Police Sgt. Winston Black said more than 100 children ages 12 to 19 attending a Youth for Christ (search) event gathered at a high school around 4 a.m. to slide down a hill using sleds built out of cardboard boxes.
A sign posted on the hill prohibited sledding.
The children and Youth for Christ staff piled eight to 12 passengers on the sleds, then went down the hill in quick succession, Black said. "The sleds struck rocks, a light pole and each other," he said.
Makes you wonder whether the church was aware of these activities especially since it was 4 a.m I would hope that parents of 12-19 year olds would be concerned about activities that are occurring during that time of the day. Hopefully the injuries are not fatal for some of these kids.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
Wow, what a terrible thing. That's why I usually do not go out on New Year's day, people are so hyper and some of them drunk...people are not themselves when celebrating, even more here in Trinidad. I feel sorry for these kids, but I cannot understand how parents allowed them to go to an activity like that *shaking head*
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Now, the quote indicates they were attending a Youth for Christ event and then went sledding. I hope they did not do this with the sanction of their church leaders. It would be disappointing to learn that their leaders disregarded the fact that it wasn't legal to sled in the area in which they chose to do so. When an area is posted like that, you are then trespassing. Many people do this, but it shouldn't be sanctioned by church leaders, in my opinion.
It is likely the parents had entrusted their teens to the care of this religious group expecting them to be kept safe and out of trouble on New Years Eve.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
It is likely the parents had entrusted their teens to the care of this religious group expecting them to be kept safe and out of trouble on New Years Eve |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Goodness, that is sad. I feel bad for those poor children...er teens rather. I have found myself disapointed in stories of church leaders making irresponsible decisions around the youth. I know years ago at one of my old churches, the youth pastor got pulled over for speeding while on a youth trip. What kind of a role model is that? Yes, people make bad decisions, but a situation such as this one seems rediculous that it happened.