This Thread is mainly for the new Member who despite endless links, Site Maps and directions they still get lost. This is also for the Guest who may be considering joining and wants to know why an Introduction is needed.
Q. Where are the Introductions kept?
A. In the Welcome Board see HERE and look for the Thread with your name as the starter of the Thread.
Q. Why do you need an Introduction about me?
A. This is a VERY large Community. If you do not at least tell us why you are here then we will not be able to assist you with the part of the Community you joined for in the first place.
Q. What should I say in my Introduction?
A. Nothing personal or confidential, only state why you have joined and what you hope to get out of it. If you want to add what you do for work, where you are from and so forth you are welcomed to do it.
Q. Should I put my name and address?
A. No! No confidential information please!
Q. I have a question, where do I ask it?
A. Your Introduction Thread.
NOTE: Please check your Introduction post OFTEN as it may contain updates from other Members or Bots. Better yet make sure to subscribe to your Introduction to keep easy track of it.