Forum Gallery
At the moment the Gallery allows members to upload images in .gif or .jpg format. When you go to the gallery you are presented with a listing of all available categories, some are public and some are private. The private ones can only be seen by Admin and the Moderators and the other categories can be seen by everyone.
When you click on a category you will see a list of pictures that members have posted. If you click on a picture will see the original size and have an opportunity to post some comments. Keep your comments short and to the point.
NOTE FASHION MODELS: There is a section there specifically for you to add your photos, but remember all are subject to approval.
Q. How do I know the measurements and sizes of images that are uploaded?
A. When you click to upload your picture you will be presented with a table of what you can and cannot upload (check near the bottom).
Q. It keeps saying my picture is too big, what do I do?
A. Use a graphics program to compress the picture so it is with the allowed measurements and size for the gallery. At the moment the max width is 500 x 500 pixels and no bigger than 50kb (this can change at anytime).
Q. Why do I need approval when my pic is uploaded?
A. Admin has to make sure that the pic you are going to display is both appropriate and in the correct category.
Q. Can I upload any kind of picture?
A. Any except copyrighted, nude or crude pictures. They should not go against our forum rules either.
Q. What is the real purpose of the Gallery anyway?
A. You can share a little more about yourself with the community.
Q. How does it get my picture so small on the Gallery?
A. When you upload your picture the script creates a thumbnail sized version of it. When you click on the thumbnail version it will take you to the original sized picture.
Q. I tried to link to an image I uploaded but I get an error message, how come?
A. Hot linking is not permitted outside the bordeglobal.com domain.
Q. What kind of comments should be made about a photo?
A. Anything positive, but do not use the comments area like a regular thread (posting over and over) as comments should be placed once only or it will be deleted.
Q. When I scan my photo I get the image and white space, how can I get the white out?
A. Your scanner should send the scanned image to a graphics program automatically where you can edit it using something called a 'crop tool'. The crop tool allows you to lace an imaginary square around the exact part you want and delete everything else out.
Q. How do I use the crop tool?
A. That is impossible for us to explain here since it varies from program to program. Try reading the built-in help file or manual if you have one.