According to JSC pg. 98 during the year 1837 the spirit of aposasy drastically threaten every quorum of the Church. In what subtle ways do you see members trying to bring apostate 'ways' into the Church in these modern days?
When they make excuses for not living a particular gospel principal. This is the most dangerous in my mind because while attempting to excuse their behavior, they may convince others. Another is when they say "the gospel according to _____________, when teaching. This is bad because you should be teaching a Church position not your personal position and there are people in the class quite possibly who will not understand the difference between your personal belief and the official position of the Church.
One specific example has been discussed on this board. Members who say the reason the Church views homosexual acts as contrary to the gospel is because the participants aren't married. Just like we expect heterosexual couples to be married before having sex. This isn't true, but it is easier to say this than to say that homosexuals are being singled out because their behavior is wrong.
I also think another way is when a member says they personally don't believe a particular teaching of the prophet is something they need to follow because they have prayed about it and don't feel it is exactly the way it needs to be done. They feel they should use their own judgment in this area and not rely upon someone else. I think this is an excuse to do something you want to do, that the prophet has said you shouldn't.
In what subtle ways do you see members trying to bring apostate 'ways' into the Church in these modern days? |