One of the objections frequently raised in the discussions about the Book of Mormon is that in Alma 7:27, the word "adieu" is used. Now, the superficial problem is with this is the idea that the Book of Mormon is about a time many centuries before the formation of the French language. The verse in question was written about 544 BC.
Here it is:
27 And I, Jacob, saw that I must soon go down to my grave; wherefore, I said unto my son Enos: Take these plates. And I told him the things which my brother Nephi had commanded me, and he promised obedience unto the commands. And I make an end of my writing upon these plates, which writing has been small; and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieu.
Now, the problem with this objection is that the Book of Mormon is a TRANSLATION of an ancient document. The translator, Joseph Smith, lived in the early 19th century in New England, not all that far from French Canada.
I have seen several books and documents from the early 19th century, that have French words in them. People used some French words in common use, just as we do now.
When Joseph Smith translated this particular verse, how would he express the idea that this word, adieu, portrays, in English? The message is one not of a final farewell, but rather, "I say goodbye for now, but will see you again, at the Judgement Seat of Christ."
Adieu says this, in one word. There really isn't a word in English that has this connotation.
Finally, if there is a problem with THIS word, then we should all have a lot of problems with the Bible, as it is full of words that didn't exist in the original language. Just look at a KJV. Notice all the words and phrases that are italicized. Those are words that the translators had to insert in order to convey the message contained in the original writings.
Good post. I never saw the reason to make a fuss over this like the antis do. I call the act (trying to shatter testimony based on the use of one word) 'Grasping for Straws' since they really have no footing in anything they say. My knowledge of the use of the word is as you described Nighthawk.
Great explanation Nighthawk, I think exactly the same thing, people forget sometimes that the Book of Mormon is a translation done by Joseph Smith and the word adieu is the best word maybe Joseph found to explain that little part. In Spanish we say 'Adios' meaning the same as 'adieu' but I have noticed that you all do not have a specific word for saying 'Bye for now but I'll see you again'. I think the anti-mormons who make an issue out of it are really silly, would they rather that Joseph Smith had translated that part by saying 'See ya later'
Thank you, Nighthawk, for that analysis. That is also how I've understood it, and as JB said, I feel the "antis" have no basis for worrying about such a thing. It's just one more way for them to get their foot in the door, so to speak, with someone who may already be faltering in their testimony.
As you have all said, it is just a false tactic on the part of the "antis." Unfortunately, it works. Why? Because not everyone takes the time to really think things through. So, they hear this argument and it seems logical to them. This is true for early stage investigators.
It is also true of those whose testimony is waning, but for them it is probably more a case of "if you look hard enough for a reason to leave the Church (or any other organization) you will find it. If we want something to be proven false, it will be just like if your boss is looking for an excuse to fire you they will find it. Same concept. We see what we want to see in a given situation. Edited: tenaheff on 13th Sep, 2004 - 8:56pm