Richard Poll is Professor of History at Western Illinois University. Formerly Vice-President of Administration there and Chairman of History at BYU. (I do not know if still holding such positions). He gave a talk some years ago called "What the Church means to people like me". It makes a difference between two type of members: The Iron Rod members and the Liahona members. It was a known discourse who brought a lot of controversy within the Church and even a reply from Harold B Lee in the talk called " The Iron Rod" (it is suspected that his talk was in fact a rebutal of Bro. Poll's speech).
The two classifications are too starkly different. His thesis seems to paint the Liahona crowd as somehow above the law, or at least thinking they are, and the Iron Rod people as blindly faithful with little spiritual perceptiveness.
Lehi needed both the Iron Rod and the Liahona. The Brass Plates were so necessary that he was willing to send his three oldest sons to risk their lives for them. However, they did not tell him which way to go in the wilderness. He had to rely on the Lord, who provided guidance through the Liahona only when it was expedient.
Similarly, it is our obligation to seek out the words of life, and then to follow them in accordance with the spiritual guidance we can only receive in the moment of testing. Genesis will not tell us our career path, and the Spirit is not likely to teach us things we would learn ourselves if we only opened our scriptures once in a while.
Therefore, I can't say which I consider myself.
Based on the information above, I consider myself more of an Iron Rod member. Although I think most of us may be a little of both. I don't question the prophet, or the scriptures. I assume they are correct and if I don't always understand, it is a weakness of mine, not theirs.
To me, an Iron Rod member accepts the councel of the Prophet and follows it, even if he doesn't know why. A Liahona member may listen to the Prohet, then try and decide if this particular councel applies to him. He may follow the councel, or he may find a slightly different path based on both the councel of the prophet and his own understanding.