What a great choice to pick for a drawing! SpongeBob is one of my favorite cartoons. I watch it with my 13 year old grandson who has autism. We laugh through the entire cartoon. You did a very good job!
Felipe, you REALLY are talented. I hope you never give up drawing because you will get better and better at it, the more you do it.
Each of us has talents - drawing is definitely one of yours!
I hope you will post another drawing soon because you bring me a lot of happiness looking at your pictures.
To echo JB, I think it would be a great idea to explore other art medium such as pastels, charcoal, watercolors, and paints. You might find some you really like some of them. (Finger painting is always fun, too )
No matter what, tho, Felipe, keep on drawing -- it gives you and other people pleasure.
That is a great drawing, loads better than I could do. You will be a great artist even though you're already an artist from the looks of it.
Spongebob is my favorite cartoon! I always like him annoying Squidward even though he doesen't mean to annoy Squidward on purpose! Maybe next time I will draw Squidward and Patrick and Mr. Krabs, etc. When I get some free time to do that. Edited: Felipe on 28th Sep, 2012 - 8:38pm