We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. |
Does this article of faith allow for the protesting and refusing to obey a law based on your beliefs, or does it require you to obey even if it seems not right by your beliefs? You mention that you have a hard time with it. How does this translate into a believers life then?
I've always considered this Article of Faith to be the principle reason polygamy was discontinued in the Church.
I have problems with the fact that there were quite a few laws passed for the express purpose of restricting the religious beliefs and practices of my religion. |
Konquererz, we are encouraged to use the legal process to change all laws that opposed to our beliefs. The Church will not encourage an open rebellion or revolution as it were.
Note: For LDS Members. I would like to mention that the purpose of this Board is to help Non-LDS Members understand our beliefs. If you have questions or comments as an LDS Member then please bring that up in the Deep Doctrine Board.
QUOTE (konquererz @ 7-May 06, 9:50 PM) |
Does this article of faith allow for the protesting and refusing to obey a law based on your beliefs, or does it require you to obey even if it seems not right by your beliefs? |
Was there a certain event in the history of the LDS church that made this article a necessity? I find it interesting that a church will openly mandate to its followers with respect to the administration of the land they occupy. It almost defies the entity of separation of Church and State.
The Articles of Faith were compiled in their entirety by the Prophet Joseph Smith in March of 1842. They were compiled as part of an answer to a request to explain the teaching and practices of Mormonism. This indicates that Article 12 was not published as a necessity to a certain event in church history. Separation of Church and State ensures religious freedom and rights for each individual, but does not release that individual from their duty to sustain and uphold the respective government for which they belong.
Latter-day revelation requires of the saints in the present dispensation strict allegiance to the civil laws. In a communication dated August 1, 1831, the Lord said to the Church: "Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land. Wherefore, be subject to the powers that be, until he reigns whose right it is to reign, and subdues all enemies under his feet." James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith |