Did Adam have a Belly Button? - Page 6 of 6

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 12-Jan 03, 4:58 - Page 6 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 12th Sep, 2006 - 5:31pm

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15th May, 2005 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

Did Adam have a Belly Button? - Page 6

God has created other worlds and we know our own world the parts existed before it was created, I have read before in the first 2000 years by Cleon Skousen that Adam was born as we are and then transported to this planet as the plants, trees and other creations in this world, what do you think? smile.gif

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15th May, 2005 - 2:55pm / Post ID: #

Button Belly have Adam Did

I tend to fully agree with this idea, that Adam was brought here after having a normal birth elsewhere. What I don't understand is how to reconcile that with the scripture that states God formed his body.

20th May, 2005 - 4:28am / Post ID: #

Did Adam have a Belly Button? Studies Doctrine Mormon

God created everyones body, even on other planets, God created all man in his on image and that includes his other planets, so I would say that goes with the scripture, wink.gif

20th May, 2005 - 12:05pm / Post ID: #

Page 6 Button Belly have Adam Did

You are right about the bible being incomplete and God being more than that which is written in the bible. But don't you think that the bible is sufficient enough for people to live a good life. The book of mormon consists of the fulness of the gospel. Those who believe in both understand that more is expected of us and that this is a probationary state for mankind. WHen we hit the celestial kingdom we will understand just how much more of Father we need to know. What we know of him now is written for us to have faith and trust in him at this point of time. We too created in his likeness, like Adam & Eve. Belly button? I believe so, my reasoning is this....our offspring have our genes and if Adam did not have a belly button then there is a chance that his own children would carry that gene and not have one. Then wouldn't people question the immaculate conception?.....But this is unimportant for our salvation.

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Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 21st May, 2005 - 3:10am

23rd May, 2006 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Button Belly have Adam Did

Nighthawk said:

I tend to fully agree with this idea, that Adam was brought here after having a normal birth elsewhere. What I don't understand is how to reconcile that with the scripture that states God formed his body.

Well, it seems like Adam did in fact had a belly button. Look at the following quote:

Joseph F. Smith said this statement in 1913 "Adam, our early parent, was also born of woman into this world, the same as Jesus and you and I." (Deseret Evening News, Dec. 27, 1913, Sec. III, p. 7. Also quoted in Deseret News: Church Section, Sep. 19, 1936, pp. 2 &

15th Jun, 2006 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Did Adam have a Belly Button?

My two cents,
I am aware of the quotes that exist about the birth of Adam in LDS writings, that may be true. But as for genesis, I do not think It was written to tell us how man and the world was physically created per say. In the ancient near east, the questions that everyone had was 1) not if their was a god or not, But rather which god created the world, 2) why the world was created, 3) what is our relationship to that god and to creation. 4) why is life like it is today. These are the questions that the ancients asked.
Genesis is a compilation of other creation motifs, but it is unique in its own way as well. Most creation motifs have the gods creating life out of violence, the death of another god per say. (See Marduk and tiamatt), but the Genesis creates another alternative, in that God created life not out of violence but love. What the writer intended us to see is that Adam- created out of dust (adamah dust in hebrew) is showing his relationship to the world, and all of God's creations, not from a literal substance of dirt. The world created in 7 days- 7 means wholeness, completion, thus the world was complete by God's standards, nothing is out of placed, everything upon it belongs. I think when we read the bible through a modern western lense we tend to lose such meanings, and begin to look at genesis in a way it was never intended. such as describing a scientific step by step physical creation.
The questions genesis creation account answers:
1)the world is created by God- Elohim, out of chaos, God created order, He is the God of the world and universe. (this claim opposed many creation thoughts of the day)
2) The world is an intentional creation by God, created out of love, as opposed to an unintentional or violent death.
3) Our relationship with God is unique to all other life, we are in his image. We are the last creation and his ultimate achievement. God desires a relationship with us.

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Post Date: 26th Jun, 2006 - 10:05am / Post ID: #

Did Adam have a Belly Button?
A Friend

Did Adam have Belly Button - Page 6

What purpose does our belly-button serve? Is it a reminder to us that we should remember our mother (or parents for that matter)? I assumed that Adam didn't have a belly-button because there would have been nothing to cause it, but that quote from Joseph F. Smith says otherwise. Another thought: What was Adam's childhood like?

Reconcile Edited: dbclayton on 26th Jun, 2006 - 10:07am

Post Date: 12th Sep, 2006 - 5:31pm / Post ID: #

Did Adam have a Belly Button?
A Friend

Did Adam have Belly Button Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 6

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 12-Jan 03, 4:58 PM)
Did Adam have a Belly Button?

It is a simple question. What is your answer? What about Eve?

NOTE: For those of you who do not get the point... we know that Adam was not born of a woman in the traditional way, so would he have a belly button?

I'm sorry I did not read all the posts after this first question. I apologize if I am repeating, but if I am, it bears it, I'm sure.

Yes, Adam DID have a belly button. Adam was born of a mother just as you and I were. The only difference being that Adam was born of an immortal mother, making him immortal at birth.

I have learned much about this topic and the spirit has declared to me a great deal. Once you understand why God used fruit as the means to make man fall, why He compares His word to a seed, which is found in fruit, and why Lehi's vision of the tree of life included fruit, you can understand why Adam had a belly button, and...

Why Christ had to be born of a mortal mother.

Adam: immortal mother.

Christ: mortal mother.

God said He created us "from the dust of the earth" to teach Adam that we are His literal offspring. Consider that you can plant any kind of seed in the earth and receive fruit of its kind (Geneses 1:11-12), and consider that God made us "from the dust of the earth." The symbolism is clear, that we are His fruit from His seeds, just as ANY seed can bring forth "of its kind" from the earth. Think about it, "from the earth thou was created and to the earth thou will return." Powerful symbolism.

Did you notice in Gen 1:11-12 that "seeds" are referred to as "his?" We know the earth is considered her, or mother earth. The teaching is profound. Fruit is the living witness that we are His children, and that we can gain eternal life "if we plant" His Word (seeds or Christ) in our hearts.

After soaking that in I want you to turn to Moses 5:11 and read Eve's powerful witness about the knowledge they gained about "seed" by the fall.

Then, considering they did not know about "seed" before the fall, read Genesis 2:23-24 VERY carefully to see where Adam came from. Could he speak of his children, or him as a parent, if they did not understand procreation yet?

Follow this scripture chain and pray for revelation while reading...

The word of God is compared to a seed:

Alma 32 (Luke 8:11):
28 Now, we will compare the word unto a seed...

And the Word of God was made flesh:

John 1:
14 And the Word was made flesh...

And the bread is the emblem of His flesh:

Matt. 26:
26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

And Christ was the first fruits of those that were sanctified and resurrected:

1 Cor. 15:
20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

Joseph Smith said the water baptism (which is symbolized in the sacrament by the bread, or the resurrection of Christ) was only half a baptism, might he be referring to the same thing Christ said here...

Luke 4: (also found in Matt 4:4)
4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone [or flesh], but by every word of God [seed or eternal life or procreation or simply "spirit"].

This may seem off topic to many readers, but to answer the question if Adam had a belly button, this is the way you get there. Once you see that Adam was born of an immortal mother you see the answer. Once you see that, you see and understand why Christ had to be born of a mortal mother. How could He shed His blood and Atone for the fall if He were immortal?

Don't stop there, there are many great truths revealed further along this path.

Carefully read BOTH Sacrament prayers and compare the differences. Ask yourself "Whose Spirit is promised in the prayers?" "Who is the prayer all about?" (the answer to both questions is the same)

Unless the spirit reveals these truths to you they remain a mystery. They were a mystery to me for 39 years. If anyone wants to discuss it further privately please send me a Private Message.

Reconcile Edited: Justice on 12th Sep, 2006 - 5:49pm

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