I think that the idea of having to upgrade (pay money) in order to access the "Mature" board is like a priestcraft. The idea is absurd. I understand the need for something to remain sacred as the temple is a prime example of that, but a message board is not the temple. If it was then why not hold to the same standards. I don't recall the question in my Bishop's or Stake President's temple recommend interview of are you willing to "upgrade?"
Now I bet someone will say that we pay tithing and isn't that similar. No its not, my tithing doesn't go to a man, but to the Lord or his duly appointed representative for sacred purposes.
So I ask, what does the need to upgrade have to do with my spiritual maturity? Does my pocket-book reflect this in some way? I don't think so.
Normally I would delete such Threads, but I will use this and you as an example:
1. This is the LDS Deep Doctrine Board, if you have questions about our policies then you post them in your Introduction Thread as your post has nothing to do with the Doctrine in itself - it is more like a complaint.
2. If you would read the Read Me Thread and Sticky Threads of this Board you will see that there is CLEARLY a Thread that answers this: LDS Mature Board.
3. This post only further enforces why MATURITY is not based on anything else but Upgrading, because if someone is willing to support this Community then it is more likely that they are MATURE enough to APPRECIATE the content within the Mature LDS Board. I would not expect you to appreciate anything here having only 6 posts since the 5th July.
4. Your rant about the Bishop and so forth is to say the least laughable. I am not your Bishop, your Stake President or your daddy. I do not know who you are and no matter what you say or do you could just be yet ANOTHER anti trying to access something for the sake of nothing else but curiosity.
5. Lastly, if you are CHEAP, there is nothing I can do to help you with that.
* Thread Closed *