I am planning a quarterly Relief Society enrichment meeting for September and my theme is 'Colour me Happy'
Several years ago - when it was called Homemaking, I attended an activity (in another stake) around this theme where you moved from room to room and each room was decorated in a different colour but the colour stood for a topic that would be discussed in that room. For example- the 'Blue' room was all about bouncing back from the 'blues' over coming challenges/depression etc.
Has anyone heard of this type of workshop or activity? I can't remember all the finer details but I am pretty sure there was a home making ideas book that this activity came out of.
please let me know if you have heard of it or if you have any ideas that would be go along with the theme.
The answer to your question is each sister or sisters assigned to a colour decorate their own rooms. Kind of similar in a way to decorating rooms for the Young Womens Values activities.
The four colours are Yellow - which is for service and spreading kindness
Red - is for strength, being disciplined in the way we live our lives and also using our talents
Green - is for knowledge and for looking for new opportunities and valuing education
Blue - is for overcoming adversity and 'bouncing back' from the blues or this could be a pamper room. But I think our 'spirits' often need pampering more than our bodies.
there is not one colour for happy, you rotate from room to room during the evening and by the time you leave, (hopefully) you are feeling happy or happier!
I am sure this activity idea came out of one of those old homemaking activity books that you used to be able to buy at the LDS book stores.
You can add in different colours and change the themes to suit the needs of your sisters.
I am giving out personal invites with a crayon attached to each one, just to spark a little interest.