Morocco Jehovah's Witnesses
Discussion about Jehovah's Witnesses in Morocco.
How popular are Jehovah's Witnesses in Morocco?
Where are the most common places that members normally go for Kingdom Hall Services - Morocco Jehovah Witness in Morocco?
Who are most recognized local Jehovah's Witnesses?
Are there any established religious laws that regulate Morocco Jehovah's Witnesses?
Name: Swp
Title: JW in Morocco
Comments: How oppressed are the witnesses in Morocco? Are they free to associate with one another?
I'm Moroccan and I actually never heard of Jehovah's Witness. So I asked and I found that there is nothing that Ban them from being here. Morocco is a Muslim country but it tolerates other religion for as long as they don't do something that hurts people or aren't decent in public settings. There are Moroccan Jews living here for a lot of time and Moroccan Christian's too with places of prayer in almost every city of Morocco. So while it isn't a popular belief there is nothing forbidding it but the opposition you would receive from the locals as the majority are Muslims.