Name: Christine
Comments: The Fall was always the plan, the one and only, there was no other way for us to come to earth and gain our own salvation. Our Heavenly Father wouldn't force mortality and death onto Adam and Eve, they had to exercise there own agency to bring on the fall. Using our agency is the whole essence of the plan, this vital step would not be forced.
As I understand it, it was a transgression because they were taking the fruit to for fill the higher law to replenish and multiply the earth. The word when is translated it has a different meaning to that used when describing the 10 commandments. More of a stern warning.
Like saying to a child when they could hurt themselves, or die eg "dont you ever touch the stove!" you dont mean that they are to never ever to touch the stove, but it is dangerous for them at that time
They were in the garden in a state of innocence, like children. They were there to learn, they would have learnt about the plan of salvation and come to realize at some point what had to happen. That is also why it is not a sin, they were not coming out in open to rebellion, they were forfilling Gods will for them.
all deep stuff, but I have such a testimony that Eve was as the prophets say "our glorious mother Eve" She knew what had to happen and she was brave enough to take that step, The most wonderful but unfortunately misunderstood woman!
You're assuming that when God blessed mankind and said unto him, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth," He was commanding them to do a certain thing.
There is no evidence that this was an explicit commandment for man. If you read Genesis 1:28 in context, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Consider that there is no mention of God *commanding* mankind to multiply and replenish the earth. There is only mention of God blessing mankind and then expressing his desire that they procreate. This is an important distinction.
What was this 'blessing' that God gave to mankind, and what was its purpose? (Hint: Notice the other creatures manifesting their progeny after God blessed them and told them to procreate.) Why would God bless mankind and then tell them to procreate if mankind lacked the ability to do so?
The first commandment in biblical history expressed as such is found in Genesis 2: 16-17. The man was commanded to not partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
From Genesis 2: 16-17, it is clear that the man was given a direct commandment from God to not eat of the fruit, and it is he who willfully rebels against God's commandment. Although Eve appeared to have some knowledge of God's prohibitory commandment, it seems she may have been deceived. (See 1 Tim 2:14)
As for a transgression point, I would view both Adam & Eve as having transgressed God's law since they both violated a direct commandment.
Sins are interesting things. The Greek word from whence the word 'sin' comes from is translated as "missing the mark." Anytime we fail to achieve God's standard for holiness and perfection we are missing the mark; much like a basketball player who missed the shot. Even the best professional basketball players miss shots. And we too miss the mark at some point; we all sin.
Just as there are many different kinds of attempted (and missed) shots, there are many ways to "miss the mark", or different classes of sin. Transgression (disobedience to laws) is only one type of sin. Unrighteousness (unjust or immoral behavior/thoughts/words) without a given law is also sin. Omission of duties (failing to do good works), and foolishness, are other types of sins.
LDS theology would say that Adam & Eve transgressed God's commandment regarding the forbidden fruit, yet they didn't sin because they did what God wanted them to do: which was to eat the fruit, enter into fallen world and receive procreative powers.
The teaching that Adam & Eve could not have had children without the disobedience to God's commandment(see 2 Nephi 2:22-23) seems absurd to me.
I would say that both Adam & Eve transgressed *and* sinned since I reject the belief that God would want the fall of mankind, despite His prohibition and warning on the matter.
Although I'm LDS, I cannot support the view regarding the LDS story of the Fall. My view is that it assumes that a perfect God who created a perfect race of men, who blessed them, then told them to propagate their species, but for some reason decided to prevent the propagation of their species, until they directly disobeyed God's only commandment.
Somehow sin entered this world. Sin begets sin. I believe that Adam & Eve's disobedience was sin, and explains why there is sin in this world. If Adam & Eve didn't sin by partaking of the forbidden fruit, but only 'transgressed', then where did mankind's sinful nature come from?
I have often wondered about Transgression and Sin, it has come to me more of late, that it might have to do more about the reason or intent, besides understanding. I have weaknesses, and the Lord readily forgives me, but they happen because of health problems and disabilities I have not been able to over come. It seems that the desires of the heart and why something happens, does make a difference.
This is a very interesting topic, that plays much upon my mind, as it seems others as well.
I feel and understand that the Lord will take all things into account, but I feel that we will actualy place our oneself to some degree. We will gravitate to where we desire and feel we belong, we can be so much more critical on ourselves, then anyone looking at us. Though Christ does far more, he can feel everything we are and have desired and experienced.
The Scriptures talk about the intents of our hearts. We are given counsel, if poor, and cannot give, we would if we could. I feel and have to feel that our desire and intent of our hearts says lot in how we will be judged and the result.
I have read some general authorities, who have said, there will be many surprises here after. That many who think they are in, will be surprised and many struggling soul will find their rest with their Savior.
We actually have the eternities to work things out, we are not perfect here, and will not be perfect right after we leave here either, it will take time for most of us.
The way I understand it a transgression is against a law (Word of Wisdsom) and a sin is against an eternal principle (Loving God).