This information has actually been around for a long time. I was told back in my 20s (Late '80's) that having a case of the flu can increase the risk of a heart attack considerably because of congestion and coughing force putting severe pressure on the heart, in relation to my father who was high-risk.
Link between heart attacks and inflammatory bowel disease. Medical researchers recently concluded a study of more than 22 million patients that suggests a strong connection between Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and the development of heart disease and heart attacks. Source 9l.
New insights into why patients have a higher risk of heart attack in the morning. Heart disease patients have lower levels of an important family of protective molecules in their blood in the morning, which could be increasing risk of blood clots and heart attacks at those times, says early research. Source 4g.
You're having a heart attack; why not ask for help? A perceived inability to act on symptoms could signify a life-threatening situation, according to new research. Most deaths from heart attack occur in the first few hours after the start of symptoms. Quick treatment is crucial to restore blood flow to blocked arteries and save lives. Source 7g.
Ideally it will be nice to seek help right away when you suspect something but let's be real. This is a heart attack we are talking about so a person doesn't want to embarrass themselves by finding out that the medical expenses they now have to pay is for heart burn. The other thing is insurance goes up or becomes nil if you try to use it for that reason and then you find out its something else.