Mormon Continuing Revelation
Mormon Related
Name: Debbs
Comments: If the Mormons believe in continuing revelation how is it that the Mormon prophets of today cannot answer certain questions about the Mormon church's past beliefs? Instead they say they don't know or its in the past?
Debbs, questions like what? Just because they may not answer them doesn't mean they don't know the answer. The Church has a troublesome relationship with its past and they don't really wish to talk openly about those controversial issues, it is understandable in a way and dangerous in another.
Divine Revelation in Modern Times
The idea that God communicates with mankind challenges some modern sensibilities. A distant God, the thinking goes, is a safe God. And though many religious people believe God spoke to prophets in antiquity, they often limit divine revelation to the past. This puts members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a unique position. Mormons believe "all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and "¦ that He will yet reveal many great and important things" Ref. Source 4