Bible & Surrogate Mothers
What does the Bible say about being a Surrogate Mother?
Given that he tells us he will give us all we need and all we need to do is ask and believe. This tells me beyond doubt no a surrogate mother is not a great idea and it will be looked on negatively. Perhaps he has other plans for you and you are destroying the opportunities he laid in your future with your present choice.
Yes in the old testament men did have concubines. I can not recall off hand God giving them to them but I can recall the wives having done so.
Often I have pondered on this as today we consider it a sin to have more then one wife. When was this transition mandated? Is it truly a sin to have more then one wife as long as you are not having premarital relations? If it is not a sin then having a second wife because the first is barren would be acceptable. A concubine is out side the marriage thus not acceptable.