Caribbean High Tech Humor

Caribbean High Tech Humor - Jokes, Humor, Forum Games - Posted: 10th Jan, 2006 - 1:54am

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14th Dec, 2002 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Caribbean High Tech Humor

Sent in by: Gerrome

After having dug 100m, Barbadian scientists found traces of copper wiring
dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion that their ancestors
already had a telephone network one millennium ago.

So as not to be outdone, in the weeks to follow, the Trinidadians dug 200m,
(100 m deeper than their neighbors) and headlines in the Trinidadian
newspapers read:"Trinidadian scientists found traces of 2000 year old
optical fibers, and concluded. That their ancestors already had advanced
high tech digital telephone networks 1000 years earlier than the Bajans."

One week later, technology Minister Philip Paulwell reported the following:
"We are proud to announce that after having dug as deep as 500m, Jamaican
scientists found absolutely no wires or cable and I am therefore happy to
conclude that 5000 years ago, the earliest Jamaicans were already using

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Post Date: 10th Jan, 2006 - 1:54am / Post ID: #

Humor Tech High Caribbean

A Barbadian, is the name given to someone who is a native of Barbados.

> TOPIC: Caribbean High Tech Humor


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