Georgia Ebola Virus
What are the statistics for the Ebola Virus in Georgia? When someone is infected what kind of Georgia medical care is available to treat the Ebola Virus?
Reports: Possible Ebola exposure at CDC lab in Atlanta
A technician and several lab employees will be monitored after a lab mistake, the Washington Post and New York Times report. USA TODAY cannot independently confirm the possible exposure. Ref. USAToday
A technician from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be monitored for three weeks after possibly being exposed to the Ebola virus at one of the agency's Atlanta labs, the CDC says.
This is not the first incident in which the transfer from one lab to another risked exposure to potentially deadly material.
In June, a CDC lab failed to ensure that anthrax samples were inactivated before transferring them to other labs. None of the dozens of lab workers involved were infected. But an investigation by the Department of Agriculture found that dangerous biological materials had been stored in unlocked refrigerators and that there was a general failure to follow safety protocols. Ref. CNN
The reason why Ebola came in this state so fast is because there was about 3,000 people who were returning from Africa to Georgia, and since the incubation period for Ebola can be up to literally 21 days it's really hard to spot who will be the one infected and spread the disease across the population.