Red Envelope Project Campaign Founder Surprised by Huge Pro-Life Response
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Christ Otto has spent the past 21 years of his life in ministry founding churches and working as everything from a pastry chef and worship leader to a hotel clerk and vocal coach. Little did he know he would become best known around the country as the founder of the Red Envelope Project. Inspired during a prayer, Otto came up with the idea of sending red envelopes to President Barack Obama to protest his pro-abortion policies. As he tells LifeNews.com, what started out as an email request to 120 of his ministry friends and supporters turned into a nationwide phenomenon that could result in hundreds of thousands of pro-life envelopes heading to the White House. "Three weeks ago I was doing my usual routine of prayer, Bible study, and quietly listening to God. Usually I begin the day with 'Lord, what's on your agenda today?'" he explained. "That day, my mind wandered a little, and I imagined hundreds of red envelopes in the mail room of the White House. On the back, a simple message stating that each envelope represented an innocent life lost. I took that idea, and sent it in an email to my 120 ministry supporters. They in turn, sent it to their friends," Otto added. Ref. Source 9
Is not obedience to the fathers request a wondrous thing? When we act according to his word and desires there is no limit on the work that gets done though his blessing it.
This is a great testimony and a real lift in my day. Well done!