Oliver Cowdery
I have read several writings on Oliver Cowdery, the Second Elder in the Church, but the best of these online I have found to be located via the reference link within the below quote. I have found him (Oliver) to be a great witness of the Restored Gospel and would like to die as he did (God willing) with a smile my face.
To modern generations, Oliver's legacy lives on because of his strong character and integrity as a latter-day witness of that ancient American scripture he assisted in bringing forth. Fellow Book of Mormon witness David Whitmer related that after Cowdery said his good-byes and bore his closing testimony, he "died the happiest man I ever saw.... [Oliver] said, 'Now I lay me down for the last time, I am going to my Savior,' and died immediately with a smile on his face." Ref. https://farms.byu.edu/display.php?table=transcripts&id=50 |
D&C 134 speaks of the Church's beliefs regarding government and it was written by Oliver Cowdery.
Ref. https://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll...373/1002/NEWS01
WELLS, Vermont - Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will gather Saturday to celebrate the 200th birthday of Oliver Cowdery, who was born in Wells in October 1806. "I'm excited," said Tom Sawyer, president of the Rutland Branch. "If you're into Vermont history at all, this is the place to be."
I am also resolute about his leaving being the cause of the usual bickering that is sometimes had among those that seek for unrighteous dominion. I am also of the opinion that had he met with the Prophet before the High Council judged him then there may have been a better resolution and outcome. |
..."Or does it prove there is no time,/Because some watches will not go?/...Or prove that Christ was not the Lord/Because that Peter cursed and swore?/Or Book of Mormon not His word/Because denied, by Oliver?" |