Resurrected Body - Page 3 of 3

"We know what the Resurrection is--the - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 9th May, 2007 - 11:52pm

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9th Feb, 2004 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Body - Page 3

See, now I don't think we will be sad for those who didn't make it to the Celestial Kingdom.

Even the Great Jehovah weeps because of his people, I am sure our saddness will be much greater and further reaching than we yet understand. Not because they cannot be in the same realm as those in the Celestial, but because they are damned, damned to an eternal state that can never be changed, that is sad. Please keep in mind, that even in the Spirit world a 'second chance' is giving to all, but if after even that you still find yourself in a rot then you really are in a sorry state and in this damnation is set.

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Post Date: 9th May, 2007 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Body Resurrected

"We know what the Resurrection is--the reuniting of the spirit and body in its perfect form"
(see Alma 11:43).

"President Joseph F. Smith said 'that those from whom we have to part here, we will meet again and see as they are. We will meet the same identical being that we associated with here in the flesh'
(Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 91).

"President Spencer W. Kimball amplified this when he said, 'I am sure that if we can imagine ourselves at our very best, physically, mentally, spiritually, that is the way we will come back'
(The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [1982], 45).

"When we are resurrected, 'this mortal body is raised to an immortal body. . . . [We] can die no more'
(Alma 11:45).

"Can you imagine that? Life at our prime? Never sick, never in pain, never burdened by the ills that so often beset us in mortality?

"The Resurrection is at the core of our beliefs as Christians. Without it, our faith is meaningless."

-- Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Sunday Will Come," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 29

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