Actually that's the title of the thread, the question given by Joseph is in the opening thread as SuzieSu pointed out.
For me, it's absolutely inappropriate the use of the word sexy towards other members of the Church whether it is done as a joke or not. If they do that, they're way out of place.
Isn't that exactly what I said? The TITLE? I thought I just said that. So, to answer the question, is it OK to use the word among members? Yes and No, like I said earlier it is all in how it is used. The question cannot simply be answered yes or no. And by the way, it doesn't matter if you are a member or not, if something is wrong, it applies to everyone.
I agree with what the trooper guy said,
Dear brothers and sisters I would like to add my two cents. The word sexy isn't a word we should use as Latter Day Saints to describe one another. It is simple: Do you guys think a General Authority would say a sister (other than his wife) looks sexy? I don't think so. We're counseled to follow the example of our leaders and I think it is very important to keep this in mind.
Name: Andrew
Comments: Dear brothers and sisters,
It is all going to depend on the situation and place. There are varying definitions of sexy....some from some dictionaries state that sexy means "generally attractive." Others say "sexually stimulating."....the first being ok and the second definition would only be ok between husband and wife. So, the context of the word is paramount in determining inappropriate or appropriate use. By the definition of generally attractive, I think from a 24 year old sister (for example) to another good friend of her's who is also a sister, it is totally appropriate. Sexy is not a bad word. Now, regarding my comment from husband to wife, I think it's also totally appropriate and I think that the general authorities are generally older folks who are not using the same terminology as us, due to their maturity and not over a question of being appropriate. Yes, I do in fact think it's highly probable that some of the general authorities may in-fact have called their wife sexy in their younger days...absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. Now, from sister to sister, or brother to brother, or couples who are courting, maybe we need to make judgements as to whether or not it's appropriate and really think accurately before we speak. I think a lot of people say things without always thinking first about the place and setting in which they are in. We must always be congnicent of our surroundings and the people around us and judge our actions accordingly. It certainly would not be appropriate for a sister to say this to a sister in the Lord's house. However, at a picnic in a park or in their own homes on a weekday while shopping or trying on skirts for each other's reveiw, in my opinion, totally acceptable.
I think its how its used and by who. Married couples should be free to say that anytime they want to each other but it will be grossly inappropriate for a couple to say that to someone else even if its just in joking. People take things the wrong way.
Name: Mali
Comments: Words like "Sexy" Should only be used between couples in their home, its not something to use in public even if others do it.