Tell me about it, My old ward had 200-250 members most Sundays, 30-40 is a really rough guess but I'm pretty sure we've never had more than 75 on an average Sunday maybe on Christmas or Easter. I wonder what the rules are for forming a ward? I know you have to have a certain number of Melchizedek priesthood holders.
Name: LDS
Comments: I'm in a Branch around 60-80 active members, but there is probably 300 or more on the membership list.
The chapel I goto has 2 wards and 1 branch. 1st ward which I go to I'd have to say about 200-300 active members (More high priest than elders ). 2nd ward is a Hispanic ward and 4th singles branch they go to Indiana/Perdue University. (I have no Idea why they put the last as 4th and not 3rd)