Honor Killings In Mormonism - Page 3 of 3

QUOTE Yes. There was quite a bit of honour - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 24th Apr, 2013 - 6:10pm

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  Honor Killings In Mormonism
12th Oct, 2009 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Honor Killings In Mormonism - Page 3

international QUOTE (haleray @ 12-Oct 09, 12:22 AM)
In the Mormon church there is no honor killings, however I can almost understand why someone would try to keep the family's honor by killing their son or daughter that does drugs, get pregnant before marriage, or anything else that dishonors the family's name.

I'm curious about this statement what do you mean by you can almost understand people who kill their own kids 'cause they use drugs or pregnant before marriage? I mean its insane you know what am I saying? Also I won't be so sure to say those who acted in the MM massacre acted alone it seems like the historical facts arent very accurate.

But answering the question directly, yeah we don't believe in honor killings.

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Post Date: 17th Apr, 2013 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

Mormonism Killings Honor

Name: Gayle

Subject: Honor thy priesthood

Message: Need info on the time when Brigham Young wanted the men in the church to be more sincere about their priesthood. There were some who took it to extreme and two were killed.

Post Date: 22nd Apr, 2013 - 12:04pm / Post ID: #

Honor Killings In Mormonism
A Friend

Honor Killings In Mormonism Studies Doctrine Mormon

Yes. There was quite a bit of honour killing in the early Mormon church. Most of it was an extension of the Blood Atonement. This included loose women having their heads removed and randy men having their manhood removed. Look up the Danites also know by various other names including Avenging Angels. Brlgham Young actually bragged about it. That can be found in the original Journal of Discourses.

24th Apr, 2013 - 1:36pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Mormonism Killings Honor

international QUOTE
Brlgham Young actually bragged about it.

Do you have a source for that, are you getting that from the Journals of Discourses or diaries of those who lived at the time?

24th Apr, 2013 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Mormonism Killings Honor

international QUOTE
Yes. There was quite a bit of honour killing in the early Mormon church

How do you define "Quite a bit"?

international QUOTE
This included loose women having their heads removed and randy men having their manhood removed.

Please share your exact sources. Thanks.

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