Eight Years Ago Yesterday, Terri Schiavo Lived Her Last Day
On March 30, 2005, Terri Schiavo had her last full day of life on this Earth and both her family and Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life are remembering the last moments they shared with the woman whose former husband won a court order to take her life.
Terri was killed on March 31, 2005 when her former husband won a protracted legal battle against the Schindler family for the right to disconnect her feeding tube. Doctors who examined Terri say she was not in a persistent vegetative state and that her condition could have been improved has she been given access to more medical care and rehabilitative treatment. Ref. Source 6
10 Years After Her Husband Painfully Starved Her to Death, We Must Never Forget Terri Schiavo
Over at First Things, I reflect on the powerful societal divisions that our reactions to Terri Schiavo reveal. From, “The Great Terri Schiavo Divide:” At the end of this month, Terri Schiavo will be ten years dead. But she is far from forgotten. Ref. Source 1
I Will Never Forget the Look of Horror on My Sister Terri Schiavo’s Face the Day She Died
On March 18, 2005, my sister, Terri Schiavo, began her thirteen day agonizing death after the feeding tube – supplying her food and water – was removed. Ref. Source 3
Ben Carson Says Trying to Save Terri Schiavo’s Life Was “Much Ado About Nothing”
Ben Carson may be a pro-life Republican presidential candidate when it comes to the issue of abortions, but new comments the doctor made over the weekend about the Terri Schiavo case are causing concerns for pro-life voters. Carson thinks the federal and state governments overreached when they attempted to protect Terri Schiavo from a painful 14-day starvation and dehydration death. Ref. Source 7j