Anti-byu Myths

Anti-byu Myths - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Sep, 2008 - 8:31am

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Post Date: 27th Dec, 2003 - 11:25pm / Post ID: #

Anti-byu Myths
A Friend

Anti-byu Myths

Hey Folks,
I have recently run across a disturbing matter which might intrest you.
I have been hearing anti BYU stories that are both rediculas and bizarre.

The most disturbing thing about these Myths, is that they aren't coming from non LDS people but LDS Institue students at other colleges.

I have a niece attending a State college on scholarship. Each time she would come home on any break she would have a new anti BYU story. At first I just thought they were stupid and dismissed them. This Christmas break she brought home the worst one yet.

One of the problems we have is that my niece has a younger sister in 9th grade who had always wanted to attend BYU, now she will hear nothing about the school and belives all the propaganda her older sister is telling her.

I attended the Y and I tell her is all BS told by someone who has never been to BYU. My sister her mother also went to BYU, but is beleving all this anti-BYU my niece is bringing home.

I wil give you the latest example. "It seems that there is a widespread practice amoung BYU student to drive over to Nevada and get married. They keep it secret from authorities, because the only reason they did it was to have sex and not commit a sin. After a period of time, they return to Nevada a get a divorce."

My niece belives this story and the others completly. As you can imagine she and I had quite a heated debate about her stories. To prove her story she gave a call to a friend of hers who is going to another State school. Quess what? Yep, her friend told the same stories. laugh.gif

So this phenomenon isn't confined to one place or person. It really bothers me to say the least.

I am hoping to get in touch with BYU to let them know about the situation.

If you have heard similar anti-BYU stories please let me know, I'm trying to get a list of some of this stuff that is floating around

Any similar experiences in your family?

Let me know,


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28th Dec, 2003 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Myths Anti-byu

HeyDiz, Welcome to the Boards!

While your post is interesting, you've placed it in the wrong section. This section is to introduce yourself to the community. We certainly do welcome your opinions on the various topics we have here, and hope to see you posting frequently.

For now, I'm moving this particular topic to the LDS News section. Please post another message to introduce yourself, update your profile so that we can know more about you, and read the FAQs to familiarize yourself with our International Forum.

Again, Welcome!


<---this topic moved from the Newbie section to LDS RM & News--->

28th Dec, 2003 - 3:30am / Post ID: #

Anti-byu Myths Studies Doctrine Mormon


I wil give you the latest example. "It seems that there is a widespread practice amoung BYU student to drive over to Nevada and get married. They keep it secret from authorities, because the only reason they did it was to have sex and not commit a sin. After a period of time, they return to Nevada a get a divorce."

I heard this one a long time ago. Now, what I don't understand about all this Heydiz is that how do you personally know these things are not true?. Personally I do not believe them, but what makes you think are not so?. BYU is like any other University in my opinion, yes, with some different standards but the youth there are like in any other place in the world. I have met several weird, anti-mormon people in my life who were graduated of BYU and they carried some friends away from the Church along with them, some of them were known relatives of LDS leaders. sad.gif

24th Sep, 2008 - 7:29am / Post ID: #

Myths Anti-byu

I just came across this older topic and was wondering about it.

I thought that this was an actual practice going on at BYU years ago. I never heard it called an anti-byu myth but rather just something that kids were doing in order to "not sin." Or at least THINK they were not sinning.


25th Sep, 2008 - 4:32am / Post ID: #

Myths Anti-byu

This was an actual practice several years ago by A FEW SELECT BYU students. Those in authority became aware of it and took appropriate action to stop it and also to teach these misguided students reality. This is not a widespread practice at BYU.
My son spent last Winter semester at the Y and it was the best time of his life. He entered the MTC last week and is better prepared than many missionaries because of his experiences at BYU.

Regardless of where you are there will be those who make their own rules. The whole should never be judged because of the actions of a few.

I am a UofU fan and I still let my son attend BYU with no regrets wink.gif .

Reconcile Edited: alskann on 25th Sep, 2008 - 4:33am

Post Date: 25th Sep, 2008 - 4:53pm / Post ID: #

Anti-byu Myths
A Friend

Anti-byu Myths

Am I that desensitized, because that doesn't seam like a big deal to me. It is wrong.... I was expecting some human sacrifice story. But you are talking about people that feel bad after saying one of those terrible cursing words like darn, or shoot. I am surprised the whole lot of you haven't shot yourselves already.

I am surprised they went through the trouble of driving all they way out to Nevada at some sleazy casino no doubt to get married by some drunk pastor. They clearly don't understand their own doctrine. I believe this would still fall under fornication as far as the church is concerned.

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25th Sep, 2008 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Anti-byu Myths

QUOTE (Quasar @ 25-Sep 08, 11:53 AM)
They clearly don't understand their own doctrine. I believe this would still fall under fornication as far as the church is concerned.

You are correct on this point. And those who participated in this were disciplined accordingly. They thought they had found a loophole apparently. Dumb kids. wink.gif

But I do have to differ with you in that it is a big deal. Chastity is a big deal in the eyes of the Lord. Not only you, but the world has become desensitized to it.

27th Sep, 2008 - 8:31am / Post ID: #

Anti-byu Myths Mormon Doctrine Studies

Am I that desensitized, because that doesn't seam like a big deal to me.

Your comment is a little confusing to me in that you say you don't think that is a big deal, although then you mention that "they" clearly don't understand their own doctrine. How can it be wrong, be fornication AND not be a big deal Quasar? Breaking the law of chastity IS a big deal...PERIOD!

But you are talking about people that feel bad after saying one of those terrible cursing words like darn, or shoot. I am surprised the whole lot of you haven't shot yourselves already.

Your back to using the terms "those people" and "you (lot of)" as if you are an outsider to this religion. People who feel bad about swearing, even little words, are definitely NOT the ones who would be doing this kind of manipulative behavior. But I think you already know that.

> TOPIC: Anti-byu Myths


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