Greetings Forum Member,
It is the new month of August, its' name comes
from Augustus Caesar who clarified and completed
the calendar reform of Julius Caesar. Okay, enough
of history, we do not want to live in the past,
here are some new updates for this month:
There has been a big increase in new members on
the forum. We are still deleting members on a
daily basis for inactivity or not following the
rules by making an initial post. Recently we had
one use enter the board being very rude towards
one of our moderators, this is not acceptable!
Of course that account was also deleted.
Many of you are trying to access the moderator's
room. This room (as the description says) is not
for regular members. You will only be able to enter
if you are a moderator of some part of the forum.
We have also received many applications to be a
moderator. Thanks, when we get 'bigger' we will
consider you.
We shrunk some parts of the forum to simplify a
few things. We want to continue to do this and may
merge the Welcome Board with the Jokes Board, but
we would like your feedback on it. Maybe the Model
Mode Board with the Entertainment Board could also
be merged, again, please let us know what you think.
We are thinking of adding a gallery for members to
upload pictures, this may come later. We added the
'Canada' theme for our Canadian members. Many of you
have asked about posting links to external sites. We
have set up a new thread in the Welcome Board to
handle this. There are also specific sites where you
can add your own forum link too, such as:
Thanks to all of you who are dedicated posters,
especially those of you who are within our Contributor
List. What is the Contributor List? Go here:
We look forward to seeing you online.
Many of you wonder how to get access to the chat room,
just send an email with your current username and we
will reply with your password and username.
All the Best for the Rest of the Month!
Admin and Web Team
Hi Forum Member,
Thanks for being part of our Bulletin Boards &
Forum Chat at https://www.bordeglobal.com/forum
We have a lot of updates! The best place to see
all of them is here:
Here are some of the major ones:
Those members who had/have RPG stats are probably
wondering where it all went to. What we did is edited
the code to show RPG stats when it mattered most,
while you are viewing the RPG boards! If you are in
the Love & Life Bytes board then you will see those
stats, other than that board it serves no purpose so
why should you have to see it while viewing International
There is a new field added to your profile for various
languages you speak. The default is English. You will
see this in members' posts while in the Language and
welcome boards.
We did not think it was necessary to show how much money
you have in posts. Check your profile and the bank for
Because of these changes pages will or should load faster
and stats will be more meaningful making a visit to each
board a whole new experience!
Thanks to Msslmshdy30 the new chat time starts at: 8:00pm
EST (New York Time) If you do not have chat permission yet,
please request it.
We added the Star Trek theme for those of you still looking
for the final frontier...
As always if you are in need of great web design, logos,
translation and graphics please do not hesitate to visit
us at: https://www.bordeglobal.net
All the Best to you.
Administrators and Web Team
Rules have changed to reflect adding addresses and phone numbers to commercial enterprises. If you wish to advertize please contact us first. A US $20.00 fee will be charged for members who seek to disobey this rule.
CPU Usage
Want to help us to keep this forum going strong? Sometimes the server has to go through a lot of processes and load in order to display the forum and all its 'glory', this can be a strain for the server if members abuse it. At the extreme it may cause the server to shut down. Thus shutting down the forum! Here are some things you can do to help us:
-- Please do not constantly reload the board index (main page) and message index (main page of each board) just to see updates - this is where the greatest strain is placed
-- Please do not reload these pages constantly either; who is online, and recent posts
No, we are not saying not to use the forum or do not look at the boards, we are just asking that you be mindful of constantly reloading the indexes over and over, this especially for those on DSL and Cable connections where reloading may just take one second. As the forum gets bigger and more intense everyone wants to participate and post message, this tip will help to ensure that you have continued services here.
Hi Forum Member,
We have some updates to share with you concerning
Bulletin Boards & Forum Chat at:
1. 'Lazy Poster' has been changed to 'Quiet Poster'
so as to not sterotype people using the word 'lazy'.
Users that post less than 70% are considered 'quiet'.
2. Jokes with slants about religion should be used
with caution. See this thread for an update:
3. New avatars, some users are unable to identify
with some of the available avatars, so we have added
some more: various angels, matrix code, animals, elmo
and more. Of course you can always upload your own
picture or photo too.
4. The 'World of Medieval' has a party formed and
ready for adventure. The GM will be upgrading all
player's stats today and over the weekend. You should
apply immediately for RPG status if you wish to play.
Once the party leaves the current scenario will be
closed to new party members. See here for how to play:
5. Please take the time to look over the rules of the
forum so you do not find your posts locked or moved by
a moderator: https://www.bordeglobal.com/cgi-bin2/yabb/Y...d=;action=rules
It is helpful to check the description of each board so
that you are sure your messages are placed in the right
6. CONGRATS! Congrats to Msslmshdy30 who became an Editor
Member (Over 1000 posts on the forum). Robert123 recently
won the forum contest and got a free 100 forum coins. Look
for more forum contests via the BGID® board.
7. Some members have been expressing interest in the
Charisma bar. The bar simply shows how well members like
your posts and general involvement in the forum. The way
it works is very simple. You click 'Good (+)' if you want
to increase a member's charisma rating.
8. How to have fun? The forum is a big community of people
all around the world, backgrounds, races and cultures, we
enourage you to do your best in getting along. Try not to
'read' into everything someone posts, it may be misunderstood
if you make it personal. Keep away from slangs as they have
varrying meanings. Try to get to know each other and 'see'
the good points they make. Everyone likes praise, no one
wants to be put down or made a fool.
9. Want to support us in what we do? Feel free to become
a contributor. You can refer us to someone that you may
know that has a need of web design, graphics production,
etc. You can also establish a web site of your own or
start your very OWN forum with our help. Contact us today:
10. Have a Great Day!
All the best!
Administrator & Web Team
Hi [name],
How are you doing? We are happy that you
are with us and want to bring some items
to your attention.
1. It is nearing the end of the month and
we would like for you to vote for your
favorite moderator and poster. To do so
please go here:
Winners are shown in the honor club located
2. [name] if you use a dial up connection
you will be happy to know that our forum is
now compressed to download faster than ever
before. Your first or second page after login
will be cached for images and thereafter it
will move like flash!
3. New contest for the 25 August, 2003. The
user that starts the most new threads wins
their own forum web page. Please see the most
recent message from the administrator in the
contest thread for rules and details at:
4. Today the top boards listed from highest
to lowest visited were:
LDS Christian Deep Doctrine
First Timers, Comments & FAQ
Technology, Web & Computer Issues
World of Medieval - RPG
General Topics
Music, Arts, Comics & Entertainment
Parenting, Raising Baby 0-5/6-12 years
BGID® Newsletter Online & Forum Updates
International News & Issues
Religious Beliefs, Traditions, & Languages
Trinidad & Tobago, Caribbean, Education & News
Emotional Recovery & Culture Research
RMissionaries - Local Stakes & Ward News
[name] if you would like to rate how well you
like our forum then please visit this thread:
5. As always, we have a great team of web
designers waiting to make you look great on
the net. Please contact us for your own web
site: https://www.bordeglobal.net
Have a great day!
Administrator and Web Team
Quote of the Moment:
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-- Walt Disney (1901-1966)
Hi [name],
August is over and September is here. Time flies
so fast that soon we will be celebrating the new
year. At the bottom of the forum main page is a
countdown to the year 2004. You will see that it
is not very far away
We recently added the vote count for your favorite
poster and moderator and we say congratulations to
Trinibabidoll for being selected as 'Member of the
Month'! To see other winners please take a look at
the Honor Club at:
There will be a new way to vote for members in
Septemeber - instead of using a thread, you can
cast your vote privately via the 'Monthly Vote'
link available in the top menu of every page. In
this way you do not have to list long reasons, but
just a name.
A lot of members do not realize that each board has
more threads than apparent. You have to click page(s)
1, 2, 3, etc to see more threads or you can use the
new search bar available at the bottom of the threads
on each board.
Thanks for posting, have a great day!
All the Best!
ADMIN and Web Team
[name] To modify your profile please click on
'Profile' in the top menu.