Human Name: Leon

Human Name Leon - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 12th Feb, 2009 - 12:29pm

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Plugged Log User: SquallLeon
Post Date: 12th Feb, 2009 - 12:29pm / Post ID: #

Human Name: Leon

We have rescued another hopeful:

User: SquallLeon

Human Name: Leon

Day to Day Life: I was a Street Detective working on a case while involved a double homicide,I worked days on end looking for the killer whoever he was he was nowhere to be found but he left a calling card some kind of note with only a name...Korral?So when I got home I got on the computer and put his name into the search Queries I did a double take after I found he was responsible for nearly every homicide investigation out there?One man doing all those murders and disappearing into thin air how can that be possible and how can I connect this man to this one? Then it happened he contacted me and told me I was in danger from something he did not tell me more but he did tell me that if I want to know more I was to meet him at the internet cafe there he will give me all I wanted,I waited for one hour till a message popped up say the matrix has me....and follow the white rabbit...then it said be under the the overpass at ten o clock the next night.When I got up to leave I saw three black suited men enter the cafe looking did the only thing I could do run like mad.

The following night I drove out to the overpass and walked to the spot where he told me to be I must have waited for hours because I was about to leave when a black caddie drove up a white guy wearing shades motioned me to get in.He told me he was looking for me and it was a honor to finally meet me.I had abunch of Questions I wanted to ask him but I felt it would be better to wait till he told me what he wanted to tell me.

He drove us to an old abandoned warehouse and took me inside and began to talk and I listened...

Red or Blue Pill: I began to ponder why I was brought to this room with a bunch of computer equipment in it.I was sat down and offered two pills one red and one blue he told me the choice is mine to either learn the truth or not.I thought for one minute and reached for the red pill he told me he only offering the truth and nothing more I put it in my mouth and downed a glass of water a girl took my coat and I was hooked up to some old equipment.I started to feel light headed and then I glanced at the broken mirror and it repaired itself I looked up and asked him if it was real he just smiled and motioned toward a man on the equipment he asked some man named Tank to finish the trace or they will lose me he smashed a button and I was yanked into darkness.

Life in Zion: I could not open my eyes or stand up,it took me one month of therapy and a week of recovery before I can even move my arms and legs.I meet a Beautiful free born name Trisha she helped me alot teaching me about the everyday life of Zion and helped me get better.

After a week of getting used to my job which was repairing damaged ships and figuring out why I was here a man named Morpheus told me that I will find out in due time and said he been waiting for me...

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The Wachowskis and Warner Bros. are the original copyright holders, creators and producers of the Matrix Trilogy. Material used here is on the basis of "fan" site. Plugged RPG is a FREE custom built Text RPG based on the Matrix concept giving Players a chance to use the Matrix Theme in a Play by Post environment.