First Presidency on Trial? - Page 2 of 2

Most members won't admit it. The Church - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 1st Apr, 2011 - 5:34pm

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Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

First Presidency on Trial?
A Friend

First Presidency on Trial? - Page 2

Yes, that is right, follow the records of the church and they will never lead you astray. I also read once that the records are the rock on which if we build we cannot fall and that they teach us all things what we should know. Before people join the church we ask them to pray and receive a revelation from the records of the church to know the truthfulness of the church. We read them the promise of Moroni that says by this same method we can know the truthfulness of all things.

This is very important because as Nephi tells us in the book of Mormon, Angels speak by the power of the records of the Church wherefore they speak the words of Christ and the Words of Christ, (records of the Church) will tell you all things what ye should do.

So, if there is ever a split or great division in the church, we can follow the records of the church which will tell us all things what we should do, including which side of the division to follow. But their is a problem with this as I think the records of the church went with the RLDS as they were owned by Joseph Smith and followed the family, thus the Land and records went with the RLDS... (Someone care to check that for me?)

I do know that "The RLDS church records and archives are held at their main headquarters located in Independence, MO." which is set apart as the site of the return of Adam to Zion.

Do you think if we gained a testimony by personal revelation that the church is true that we could gain another personal revelation regarding which section of the church to follow in the event of a split? What happens to the Holy Ghost once we join the Church? We are given the gift so that we can follow the prophet or the records of the church? I'm confused...

(Just being fun, and pointing out a flaw in the teachings of the institute teacher... However, I have heard the doctrine the teacher is referring to and find it far less valuable when compared with personal revelation. The problem is that if we are not familiar with receiving personal revelation from the ONLY sure source, (having your lamps full with oil), then we are guessing at best. And even a correct guess in relation to a church split will not get a person with an empty lamp into the wedding dinner in the end.)

Are the members of First Presidency in a ward? Do they pay tithing in their local wards? Can their Bishop or Stake President call them before a court of 12 High Priests like any other member can be? D&C 107:69-84

What would it take for a local bishop to call President Monson to repentance or a bishops Court and Stake High Counsel Court? D&C 107:78-79

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19th Sep, 2008 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Trial Presidency First

QUOTE (FarSeer @ 16-Sep 08, 1:35 AM)
I've heard it stated that if the 1st presidency - or any other general authority - was attempting to lead the people of the church astray, that they would be "removed from office."

I think that's one of the many myths we have in the Church. There is no scriptural basis for it and we discuss it in depth in the thread "The Prophet said so, is that enough" in the mature board.


What would it take for a local bishop to call President Monson to repentance or a bishops Court and Stake High Counsel Court?

He has to be mental to do that. laugh.gif

Seriously, one of those things that in my personal opinion, I don't think will EVER happen even if there is proof of some sort of wrongdoing.

Post Date: 1st Apr, 2011 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

First Presidency on Trial? Studies Doctrine Mormon

Mormon president can do no wrong to religion's members

SALT LAKE CITY - Mormon President Thomas S. Monson, his two right-hand men and 12 apostles will take to the podium at this weekend's General Conference and offer sermons that many Mormons will treat like faxes from God. Ref. Source 3

1st Apr, 2011 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Trial Presidency First

Most members won't admit it. The Church won't admit it either but is true. When the prophet speak in General Conference is taking literally as scripture and he cannot err. I don't know where the heck we got this from to be honest you know what am I saying? Because there is no scriptural basis for it. I just saw this quote and I just raised my eyebrows:

international QUOTE
"We pay lip service to the prophet's fallibility," said Edward Kimball, son of late church President Spencer W. Kimball. "But when you come down to specifics, we can't think of any incidents where a prophet was wrong." Source 1


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