Kurds must give up captured territory once ISIS is defeated, Iraqi leader says;
Iraq's Prime Minister says Kurdish forces must withdraw from towns captured from ISIS once the terror group is defeated as tensions mount between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government over future control of the territory in northern Iraq. Ref. Source 6d.
President Trump has agreed to arm Syrian Kurds in fight for Raqqa, which could anger Turkey
President Trump has authorized the Pentagon to arm Kurdish forces fighting the Islamic State. The weapons are meant to help the Kurds capture the city of Raqqa, the Syrian capital of ISIS. The Syrian Democratic Forces, which include Kurd and Arab fighters, "Are the only force on the ground that can successfully seize Raqqa in the near future," the Pentagon said. Ref. USAToday.
So why do the Arabs cry crocodile tears when discussing the Palestinians not having a state but don't shed a tear for the Kurds? There was once a Kurdistan. Maybe a bit of hypocrisy here?
I've worked with the Kurds. They are brave and resourceful fighters. They have been put down and subjugated by Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. It's time for this.
They hate the Kurds because they want to establish a Christian state in the middle of the middle east - that's something that no Arab country wants even Israel. I don't know what the future holds for the Kurds but its not likely to happen in the current environment.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 3 0.3%
The Kurds are probably 98% Moslem. They aren't going to establish a Christian state in the Middle East. They would establish a new Sunni state though. I have worked with the Kurds. They tend to be more open minded and have more 'Western' ideas than other people in that region. That is what scares the Arab nations there.
This is a big time betrayal and tarnishes our reputation abroad. Its this kind of thing that makes people hate us because we don't keep our word. I don't agree with this move at all!
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%