I like what you have to say. Joseph Smith did describe the Angel Moroni as having a physical body, like a man, and I'm pretty sure he referred to him having equipment just like a man. So there you go, some angles do have bodies; I would assume the beings that have already come to earth to obtain their bodies, and did such a good job, they became an angel....like Moroni. Angels are men, with extra powers and abilities....Angel is probably a more better term for "calling" than species.
Very good, very good, Deep South. If you want to read more about the angles mating with men....read out of the Book of Enoch....you can find it online, it's relatively short....and he describes the matter in more detail.
Zen Mormon said:
OneTrueSteve, what do you mean with
You are right...this was merely an impression I had. After I re-read the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith...I apologize.
This Thread seems to be going Off Topic. This Thread is supposed to be about "Angels Mating With Humans":
Name: LexxTalon
Comments: I know that this thread is old, but I found it very interesting... And would like to add my 2¢. The issues here seem to be the definitions of the words themselves. You hear the term "angel" and you instantly form an opinion of the being, which is clouding the actual topic.
It is certainly possible that the authors of these passages referred to any being that seemed to descend from the "heavens" that they didn't understand as "angel". Which would also mean that it is conceivable that several different beings were called "angels". So these beings came down to mate with human women. That makes a lot of sense actually. Earth chicks are hot! !
...But it would also support the concept of "God" creating man in his own image. We have scientific proof of less intelligent, less developed "man' dating thousands of years before recorded history. So... My thoughts have always been to a more realistic account of these events. It is conceivable then that "God" or his "Angels", if you'd like to call them that, mated with the lesser "man" of the time, and created "modern man"... Using his own DNA to seed the first two, or at least a NEW two. This would be a very logical beginning to biblical history, and explains why scientific history and biblical history differ.
I assume that I will be called blasphemous for even considering such concepts... But when definition(which could very well have been mistranslated or fabricated altogether) and clouded sentiment are removed from the story, this is tale you have.
It will be really interesting to see how the story unfolds if you continue with this logical, spiritually-free, telling of it.
I've always pondered the idea that science and religion are not as disconnected, and contradictory to each other, as many would believe, and have us believe. I don't mean that it should be absent spirituality... But that it should be spiritually open-minded. That's what I mean by "spiritually free"