Was Christ Born on the 25th December?
Do you think that Christ Born on the 25th December or another date? If another date, then which date and how did you come to that deduction?
I have not looked it up for a reference, but I have seen documentaries that showed where various biblical scholars placed the Birth around April or May. From a religious perspective a Prophet called, "Joseph Smith" said he received a revelation that the exact date of His birth was the 6th April.
I agree with JB, not so much on a specific date, but the time of year. Due to the only recollections we have of his birth, the time of the year would be april or may. If it were in December, it would be cold in Israel, the shepards would not be in the fields at night. To be sure, it wasn't so cold that a baby needed to be bundled up, he was only wrapped in swaddling cloths which aren't real thick. So it would have been warmer.
An athiest professor once said around Christmas time, "Everyone knows Christ was born around April, this is when Romans did their taxes." You take that and put together what Joseph Smith wrote, and it makes perfect sense.