Colorado Couple Win Battle to Keep Holiday Peace Wreath on Home
A Colorado couple has won their battle to keep a holiday wreath shaped like a peace sign on the front of their house. Lisa Jensen and Bill Trimarco recently received a letter from the board of their homeowners association threatening them with fines of $25 a day unless they removed the peace wreath.
First of all, the objection of the homeowners association was quoted as being under the "no signs or billboards" item in their rules - according Democracy Now! it was because the wreath was in the shape of a Peace Sign.
The article does not state whether or not anyone else in the subdivision had wreaths of other types on their doors, or whether the peace symbol specifically was the reason for the objection.
Either way, it's bad news for homeowners associations. Be very careful what you object to. These associations have way more power than they should, anyway, and why anyone would move into an area where they are governed by these restrictions is beyond me.
All in my opinion.