Passover & Mormons - Page 2 of 2

Name: moralfamilyvision Country: Comments: - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 24th Mar, 2011 - 11:34am

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17th Apr, 2008 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Passover & Mormons - Page 2

Passover is a Jewish religious holiday. It signifies the day that God passover the eldest Jewish Children and freed the Hebrews from Egypt. It also signifies any day now in Jewish history in which the Lord freed Israel. Today the modern passover even accounts for the Holocaust as well.

Passover has changed over the years, traditionally there were sacrifices at the Temple, but today it is observed mainly by the Passover Sader I.e the passover meal. Today most Jews celebrate the whole week, but what I think we are talking about in this post is specifically the Passover Sader. It is a meal that the Jews thank God for there redemption out of Egypt, and into the promised land. It also is a time that they look for the future coming of the Messiah. The Sader or meal follows the story of Israel out of Egypt. Typically this is done in the home and not at some religious mass or synagogue like a sacrament.
The head of the house hold leads the family and friends at passover. So it is kind of like a religious thanksgiving meal to make a poor comparison. Many Jews invite there friends Jewish or non-Jewish.
For a Christian perspective it is also the very meal that Jesus used as the last supper. If you went through the passover sader then you would really see the gospels last supper in a deeper meaning. All of the cups that Jesus drinks from have meaning about Israel's history and redemption, and make his words at the last supper that much more meaningful. Is it like the sacrament? well yes and no. There is a lot of meaning that you would pick up that would put a new perspective on things. It is not an exclusive religious service that would offend any Christian or most Jews if you were participating. It is a time to remember what God has done in your life and what he will do for you. It is a time to remember the freedoms that God has given, and the freedoms that will come in the future.
Ludlow probably charges because it is a meal, and it would cost a lot to prepare also the foods are kosher and not easy and cheap to find.

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Post Date: 24th Mar, 2011 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

Mormons and Passover

Name: moralfamilyvision

Comments: I am a Mormon and I have done Passover for the 2nd year now. As I understand it, the scriptures quote from God saying "these are MY appointed times." No where does it say this is a "Jewish" thing. In history past there was no reference to "Jew." Furthermore, God requires it in the "old" testament as something WE are required to do "throughout all YOUR generations FOREVER." "We" meaning those who were not "so called Jews" but those who were spiritually grafted in. We see, with research that those who came out of Egypt in the Exodus where a mixed multitude. I have been a Mormon for 10 years and I love the truthfulness of the gospel and the doctrine. I and my family prayed for "spiritual acceleration" as we read about Joseph Smith encouraging the men in the early days of the church to pray for spiritual acceleration. We prayed that we as a family would be accelerated to where Heavenly Father needed us to be. We not only observe Passover in our home, we do it all ourselves to the best we can by following as much scripture as possible. We also have begun to study Hebrew as did Joseph Smith and the elders in the "School of the Prophets." We keep the feast or festivals of the scripture as was commanded by God in the old testament and was kept and practiced by the Savior and His apostles in the New Testament. We keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Yom Kippur, (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (feast of Tabernacles)and as many of all the rest that were "COMMANDED" as possible. We are still learning so we are off a bit, but making a lifelong journey and pursuit of it is our goal. The understanding of our Savior and His life has a whole new level of understanding. We also eat Kosher and kill our food as close to Kosher as you can get. We have done away with a lot of Pagan practices, that we never really knew were pagan, even Christmas and Easter. It only takes 2 minutes to find the origins of these holidays and their meanings. We go by both the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar. Our lives are so enriched, our view of the life and history of our Savior so expanded. We also use the correct names for Heavenly Father and the Savior. But hey, to each his own. It only takes a prayer to find out where Heavenly Father really wants each of us to be. And it is up to us to ask Him to reveal as much as He needs us to know for our sakes and His sake. My husband and I and my 5 kids don't miss Christmas or Pork or anything else we have given up. For awhile, a single widow who had to have double knee surgury needed to have my husband care for her goats (we knew nothing of goats then), what an amazingly insightful and spiritual opportunity Heavenly Father created for him and our family. Man, you can only know what you have been taught, until you search and "study out of the Best Books."
And Heavenly Father can show you His level of spirituality that He wants you to be on only when you are willing, inviting and teachable-humble, meek, like a little child. May YHWH bless you to be enriched in your journey to His enlightenment, and may the desire to know the truth grow within you. May YHWY bless you and cause His face to Shine upon you and grant you Shalom. (peace) -Aaronic blessing psalms

Source 1: Joseph Smith official church study guide
Source 2: Scriptures

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