I just finished listening to the very long Trinidad & Tobago Budget 2020-2021 as rehearsed by the Finance Minister, Colm Imbert. It seems to be a sell out of TT to the 1%. Just imagine that gas / diesel prices will start to float - that will mean taxi fares will float too. One day you may pay $5 to go to your destination and the next day you may pay $10. People, watch, do not be fooled, things will get very bad.
Did anyone notice after the budget when the opposition leader spoke and she opened the floor for questions no one had a question! Journalism gone through in this country or is only PNM journalists we have?
I saw that but you know they have to do an in depth analysis and just say it was a bad budget. I am concerned that crime rates will rise as they are at the moment. If the government is not hiring no one else then anyone who had a hope to be employed will be looking for work in the private sector and there is none there at the moment.
So many Venez here and they taking all the jobs that Trinis don't want to do but that might change just now. National security budget was the usual but they were playing that same tune about the police getting money for cameras and what not yet you hearing the police saying they don't have enough cars, etc.