Bicycle Police In Trinidad & Tobago
Do you think having Bicycle Police In Trinidad & Tobago will help the crime rate to go down?
Bicycle cops a welcome move
I am at least happy to read that acting Police Commissioner Philbert James has finally implemented the bicycle patrol unit. Although this unit will not solve the crime problem, it will surely curb some of the robberies and home invasions. Ref. Source 2
The Trinidad Police Bike Patrol has officially started with their first project being the Trincity Mall parking lot where in the past many customers had their cars stolen (see more on that here). My main concern with this is consistency, there are only 12 riders so far who received 6 months of training.
I don't think this will work too well and I'll tell you why - the sun real hot and then there is the rain! Police won't want to be pedaling it out there in those conditions.