Paracelsus said: "All substances are poisons, there is none that is not. The dose differentiates a poison from a remedy". It is a reflection to be debated, although it has a lot of truth (It is not in vain that it has reached our days since the 16th century). Addiction involves a disproportionate and uncontrolled use, the objective? To keep the game as a leisure option limited in time and interest. Fortunately I have few addictions (Coffee is one) and, for the moment, games are not.
It took a long time to admit I was very addicted to video games. I was 24 no job living at my mother's house, totally fine that I just played video games from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. Sometimes only getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep. I don't exactly know what changed but I just woke up ashamed of it. It's been a year now and things changed fast. I have my own apartment, my own job, I still play a lot of video games but only on my off times. I voted yes to being an addict because at any time if I slack I know I'll mess up and start again. This is my first reply so I hope it's not too long of a reply.
I believe that younger people, especially teenagers, are more susceptible to developing a gaming addiction. For adults, family responsibilities tend to limit this tendency somewhat, but that doesn’t mean older people can’t also be addicted to video games.
I really enjoy video games, but I started playing later in life because, during my teenage years, my financial situation didn’t allow me to afford even a Super Nintendo. Computer games today seem more addictive than they were in the past, primarily because of the increased interactivity between players.
However, all the questions the administrator raised at the beginning of this topic also apply to cell phone addiction, whether it’s for gaming or other uses. And here, age doesn’t seem to matter. Perhaps the biggest issue with the lack of social interaction between people nowadays is, arguably, related to social media addiction. Today, social media appears to be even more addictive than games.