Car Thieves Trincity Mall

Car Thieves Trincity Mall - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 30th Aug, 2011 - 1:34am

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Post Date: 19th Mar, 2008 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Car Thieves Trincity Mall

Car Thieves Trincity Mall

Recently, the police has warned visitors to Trincity Mall that there are Car Thieves lurking looking for older model Mazda and other models. Do you feel you're car is safe while at Trincity Mall.

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20th Mar, 2008 - 1:11am / Post ID: #

Mall Trincity Thieves Car

Whenever my hubby and I visit Trincity Mall, we usually feel a bit nervous to park our car and enter in the Mall. In my opinion, Home Construction Limited does not care about anything they build. Instead of the police warning the public about the rampant car theft in Trincity Mall, why doesn't Home Construction Limited hire security? They spent so much money on extending the mall, in order to compete with West Mall and they never even bothered to consider adding in the budget, to include extra security? Poor, poor planning.

Rather off topic, but...
Home Construction Limited has a terrible reputation for doing very shoddy work and never showing any concern for the people who purchase their homes. For instance, does anyone remember Sunrise Park? These homes are on reclaimed land and Home Construction Limited built several houses there without even bothering to change the direction of the river. Almost every year, residents in Sunrise Park bitterly complain about their homes being flooded during rainy season. Eventually after several years of clamouring, Home Construction Limited finally addressed the situation.

Recently, a friend of mine related how bold the thieves are at Trincity Mall. He said that if someone is at the ATM inside the mall, a young man would be watching the person very closely. After the person is ready to leave the mall, he would contact his "friend" in the car park, to look out for this particular individual. He would also describe in detail, what the person looked like and was wearing. The second guy in the car park would search for the innocent victim, quietly approach him or her, show the victim his gun and softly ask for the wallet, jewellery, car keys and the cellular phone. After the victim obediently surrenders everything to the thief, he jumps into the car and drives off at a medium speed. These thieves are becoming bolder everyday and they are fully aware that the police and the public, are powerless to do anything!

Post Date: 26th Mar, 2008 - 10:24pm / Post ID: #

Car Thieves Trincity Mall
A Friend

Car Thieves Trincity Mall Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

It seems to me that citizens only have 'mouth' for the Gov't. They used their power re the Alcoa Smelter in Chatham - WONDERFUL ,but they seem to give HCL a pass. The non- security at Trincity Mall can be shaken out of their stupor by abandoning Trincity Mall for 24 hours. Just ONE DAY then you'll see how quickly things will change, but as I said we SELECTIVE. They fought MILLIAM MUNROE and the SPECTRUM but not a peep against MOVIE TOWNE which is built on the SAME SITE. Things that make you go hmmmm.

7th May, 2008 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Mall Trincity Thieves Car

Oh man don't get me started on Trincity mall security. It bothers me that whenever they kick me out the mall for being belligerent, scores of underworld figures threaten me with everything from kidnapping to robbery to death...You think I'm kidding? Check the police reports I've made, plus there's this shoplifting industry going on, and also if I have a problem with the security and ask for their names as per police advice, they refuse to give me the information.
Now that really bothers me, and right now I'm unofficially banned for cursing and spitting in the mall, but I'm not on medicine, and that's a long story. I'm actually trying to swing being normal...It's not going too well.
You should hear about some of the claims they've made against my character too, unbelievable, and extremely suspicious.

Post Date: 31st Oct, 2008 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #

Mall Trincity Thieves Car

Name: Jason

Comments: Trincity mall has become a safe haven for half bit criminals, especially car thieves who are not very good at their trade so they have to come to a place where there is a multitude of choices in the event that the first one doesn't work out then let's try an easier vehicle. This is the rampant and belligerent abuse to citizens who have now become sitting ducks to criminals at large. The question on everyone's mind now is simply "when will my turn come?". Is this the way that we intend to spiral through to attaining 'developed nation status!'. If so, then let me continue to swing from trees and eat bananas.

8th Nov, 2008 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Car Thieves Trincity Mall

I think people have to be smart about where they park their car too. You go park it in a place where no one around then you look for that. I usually try to park right by the entrance where people going in and out all the time.

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27th Nov, 2008 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

Car Thieves Trincity Mall

I was thinking of visiting Trincity Mall over the weekend when I remembered this post. Did they improve security there or is it the same ole same ole?

30th Aug, 2011 - 1:34am / Post ID: #

Car Thieves Trincity Mall Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

I saw a car in the parking lot at Trincity mall today that it looked like it was either stolen, someone tried to break in or was vandalized. That mall has issues boy.

> TOPIC: Car Thieves Trincity Mall


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