Do Afro Trinis Deny Their Roots?
Name: Celina
Comments: I'm Black American and I went to trinidad last Carnival. I had a great time but one thing stood out for me was brothers denying their African roots. For instance they would tell me how 'Spanish' they were or how many other races were in their blood but never talked about their Afro roots. Is that something common for Trinidadians?
We love to say we're mixed because we're indeed a melting pot. You won't hear the black Trinis mention their Afro roots for many reasons, one because is pretty obvious (they're black) and second is because black Trinis don't feel identified with Africa, it's foreign to us, we are just "Trinis!"
I'm white but I don't think any of my Afro-Trini friends deny their roots. We're all Trinis regardless of our race and skin color.